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Preloved Designer Dogs

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no its a pakie

i would be interested if they just rounded it of to a grand

Wtf is a Spoodle?


£995 for a mongrel, righto!!

this comment is made and it always makes me laugh, nothing personal, i just dont know why a pedigree bit of paper makes them more valuable, id rather pay more for a mongrel lurcher puppy than a brainless pedigree dog


It's the fact that it's nearly a grand! Oh well my pedigree working springers must be 'brainless' then Joel :thumbs:

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£995 for a mongrel, righto!!

this comment is made and it always makes me laugh, nothing personal, i just dont know why a pedigree bit of paper makes them more valuable, id rather pay more for a mongrel lurcher puppy than a brainless pedigree dog


It's the fact that it's nearly a grand! Oh well my pedigree working springers must be 'brainless' then Joel :thumbs:


i know but surely its as ludicrous paying a grand for a pedigree "pet" dog than a x bred one, ?????? not saying your pedigree dogs are brainless, but are they smarter than a non ped??? i think its useful having pedigrees to trace ancestors etc, but people seem to have it as a badge of honour, even on pet dogs

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Normally a cocker x poodle.

wrong :laugh:


snoodle = snauzer x poodle :thumbs:


Wrong - Springer x Poodle :boogy:

no that would be a springerdoodle :laugh:


On the video he says they're out of a springer bitch :tongue2:

my bad i thought it said snoodle not spoodle :icon_redface::laugh:

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