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website looks very similar to pro trapper , uk squirrel control and all the other sites set up and closed down by a man called ian, could easily be the same person that was on here as 2-20 or summit like that, bless him

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www.fourteenacre.co.uk For genuine fenns and BMI magnums. Don't be put off by the website prices; if you want a deal on traps contact John.


I've never seen a bad word said about John or Fourteenacre.

Cheers mat, oh by the way hope to have some good news next week ref what we were talking about 2 weeks ago, fingers crossed

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www.fourteenacre.co.uk For genuine fenns and BMI magnums. Don't be put off by the website prices; if you want a deal on traps contact John.


I've never seen a bad word said about John or Fourteenacre.

+1 never heard of a single complaint about him ... top man to deal with

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This guy is a good man http://www.gamekeep.co.uk/category.asp?categoryid=1


I've spoken to him at many game fairs and he's a good guy. Never bought from his website but I've bought from him at shows. My first rat trap was from him. Had countless numbers of rats and squirrells in it over the past 9 or so years and it's still as good as new :thumbs:

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