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recently i broke roughly half of a molar off and by christ does it hurt! other than going to the dentist which i'm doing tomorrow does anyone have any idea's for pain relief? i'm doing plenty of alcohol and pain killer's which i know isn't good for me but i don't care at the minute! i'm very close to pulling it myself now!

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clove oil


+1 for clove oil. Makes you drool but eases the pain.

ha ha i should fit right in with the locals down here!


cant you get emergency appointment with dentist just to pull it, nothing worse than toothache or earache, you have my sympathy

i've got an emergency appointment tomorrow at two! that's cornwall for you!

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Guest long-tail

witha proper tooth ache i dont think there is a decent enough pain killer to touch it believe me iv had a few good uns over the years usualy come on at night,literaly drunk myself into oblivion with it only way till i got into the dentist to have it pulled

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I cracked a molar the year before last and boy is that painful, to the point where you're nearly passing out!


You can get this stuff that's like super strong bonjella for adults, it gets rid of the pain instantly, orajel it's called. Seriously recommend that mate. I got it from Sainsburys but I'm sure Tesco, Boots etc. will sell it.

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