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Caught Poaching/lamping?

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in my eyes its more than worth it for A FEW BUNNYS mate if not i wouldnt keep any dogs

yes, it's an offence   be sensible and get permission     or run faster

1709 posts and ask a dumb question like that

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when i was fit if pc plod caught up with me it was a gaurunte he wasnt going back to his car by his own means but nowa days the police are not as rough and tuff as they were 30 year ago but you really had to be pushing your luck to be getting hassel from them

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Was caught ferreting many years ago by plod and the keeper, we had only just started and only had the one rabbit, Cops were all for asking us to feck off however the keeper was adamant that he wanted us charged......... twat,


Citation came through post stating that we were in "pursuit of game" and we had to appear in court.


Got lawyer involved as I thought I could get stitched up on a trumped up "game" charge. Had to attend court on 3 occasions as we were pleading not guilty,


On our final appearance my lawyer stood up and stated that we were not "pursuing game" we were hunting rabbits which are classed as " Vermin" . The judge went fek'n mental at this point and stated educating the whole court as to the history of rabbit's and how they are called coneys , and coneys were a much sought after meal in days gone by and classed as game.


At that point I thought the judge was going to put the black hankie on the head and send us to the gallows!


Ended up with a with a charge to my name without receiving a fine.... it's still a pain in the arse though having to explain the same shit every time the shot gun certificate is up for renewal.

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been caught few times .. and few years ago got caught and police as we went to drive off (landowners blocked us in) but said they couldn't prove we had been doing wrong as we had no quarry on us to say we had been in fields.. so if we ever get a shout etc either leg it .. or hide quarry and sometimes lamp and come from different direction gets them a bit baffled :laugh:

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If you live in Scotland it is about being smart and using common sense. The right to roam act allows just that, the right to roam. There is no law saying you can't roam at night with a torch.


The hunting act is extremely difficulty to get a conviction with. The majority of people prosicuted put their hands up when stopped.


The prosecution need to prove beond all reasonable doubt that you intentionally set your dog out to catch a hare. If your dog springs a hare while out walking free you are not intentionally setting the dog on it. The dog can not be prosicuted and there is no way to train a dog that it is okay to chase a rabbit but not a hare.


Get caught carrying 3 or 4 hares and to be honest you can't argue a toss.


I have been caught a few times day walking but never in pursuit. The only way you really get bother is if someone records it.


If you do get caught never put your hands up. Be polite to the police officer as he prob not interested and doesn't even understand the law himself.


And don't put a picture on the Internet saying what you did ha ha

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Was caught ferreting many years ago by plod and the keeper, we had only just started and only had the one rabbit, Cops were all for asking us to feck off however the keeper was adamant that he wanted us charged......... twat,


Citation came through post stating that we were in "pursuit of game" and we had to appear in court.


Got lawyer involved as I thought I could get stitched up on a trumped up "game" charge. Had to attend court on 3 occasions as we were pleading not guilty,


On our final appearance my lawyer stood up and stated that we were not "pursuing game" we were hunting rabbits which are classed as " Vermin" . The judge went fek'n mental at this point and stated educating the whole court as to the history of rabbit's and how they are called coneys , and coneys were a much sought after meal in days gone by and classed as game.


At that point I thought the judge was going to put the black hankie on the head and send us to the gallows!


Ended up with a with a charge to my name without receiving a fine.... it's still a pain in the arse though having to explain the same shit every time the shot gun certificate is up for renewal. rabbits woodcock and snipe,,,are all game,,,,

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not that i do it but carry a crap map and say you lost the track as you are rubbish at map reading and you brought a lamp with you incase you got lost and needed light to find your way to a public path and the rabbits in your bag are from the tooth fairy

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I recently had a letter telling me to keep off Staffs police telling me to keep off land where I am genuinely walking on public footpaths , as someone saw me and told them " they were concerned a rural crime was about to be committed "!! I wouldnt mind but theres been no quarry on there for years , I only use it to give the dogs a run round , I even had my car pulled on M6 as its flagged now as linked to rural crime .

This is the same police force , who when i caught a burglar then refused to go to court to testify , as they had dropped the burglary charge to trespass , threatened to charge me with , perverting the course of justice , which is more serious than trespass !!!! So bollocks to their rural crime !

If you don't like em and want your own back...put a formal complaint in...they will try fob you off with a liason officer but insist on a formal complaint...you will have to be interviewed by a cop with a rank of inspector or above and they will have to interview all the cops involved with the letter you receaved...it ties them up for weeks in man hours and every time you have been nicked...go for victimisation....it will remove the flag off your car and make them very reluctant to pull you as the paper work takes up most of there shift....play them at there own game...feck being told you can't walk foot paths......if you've a criminal record unrelated it won't help your cause...I had a formal chat and written apology of staffs chief super for his underlings pickin on me..lol

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who ever said a a 410 was an insuffient weapon and illegal to shoot hares ???????? you can shoot them with air rifles for god sake

as for taking the piss out of the feo you understood the hunting act so your playing by the book , as for loading shooting and holding the dog ,come on i meant when

the plod pulls you up after you ve walked the fields an back to your car ,he ll say been coursing and you reply no mearly playing by the law officer shot it and dog retrieved it

and if accompanied with mates your flushin them to the gate holes to be shot at

yes it just my theory if your pestered with the law try it ,if your never bothered by them just crack on as per usual

as for the 12 gauge and cartridge thats utter bollocks mate

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tresspass in n. ireland is a civil matter between farmer and you. it will cost them more than you will get fined.

you can only get done for tresspass if you refuse to get of land. also if you believed that you had permission youre ok,

only criminal offence if you are tresspassing with the intent of persuing game,note the word intent will be in most charges, you cant get done for accidently killing fox or hare, although you can get done for intentionally causing cruelty if u arent seen to be trying to stop the dog from said act,get to know the law and loopholes. because the police men that come out wont be sure of laws. dont give statement at roadside ,volunteer to come to barracks for statement with legal reps its your right .

not 100% if this applys in england but i would think princepals are the same. def works here i know . good luck even when your right they will still try to screw you

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who ever said a a 410 was an insuffient weapon and illegal to shoot hares ???????? you can shoot them with air rifles for god sake

as for taking the piss out of the feo you understood the hunting act so your playing by the book , as for loading shooting and holding the dog ,come on i meant when

the plod pulls you up after you ve walked the fields an back to your car ,he ll say been coursing and you reply no mearly playing by the law officer shot it and dog retrieved it

and if accompanied with mates your flushin them to the gate holes to be shot at

yes it just my theory if your pestered with the law try it ,if your never bothered by them just crack on as per usual

as for the 12 gauge and cartridge thats utter bollocks mate

I personally dont think that a .410 is insufficient. The CPS have stated in their guidelines to law enforcement officers that when looking for a prosecution against hare coursing, and if in that instance the alleged coursers have used the defense of flushing to the gun, then it is worth investigating the type of weapon and ammunition as to its suitability for the effective shooting of hares. If they were so minded they could push for causing suffering due to an unsuitable weapon/ammunition. They could also follow the line that saluki's/lurchers are unsuitable for flushing hares, as that is the job of a gundog, and as such you are acting outside of the hunting act. You and I know that is a load of bollocks and a shitstorm and will go know where in front of a magistrate.


I only stated facts that if pressed, the dog botherers, could use to make life difficult. If you want to carry on regardless of what I thought to be helpful advice, crack on. I will just do what I do.



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PM Fuji on here



Listen to his horror story, and be well warned.

Well this is what happened to me when I crossed the line..im not sure if the penalties given were to make a statement by the Scottish Law authorities that if you do get caught abusing the wild mammal act then this is what will happen to each and everyone that does or I was just unlucky lol...what I will say is that coursing a hare in Scotland CAN result in a spell behind bars with 6 month the recommended sentence BUT in England,Wales it is NOT considered a jailable offence..in the 2 months it took from being caught until finally prosecuted and 3 visits to the Sherrif Court in Dumfries,my bail conditions prevented me even stopping to talk to any person who had a dog,I couldn't walk my other dogs more than one mile from my house..I was banned from Dumfries & Galloway other than to visit my brief...at the time I was caught they confiscated the motor and everything that was in it,dog confiscated and put into care of SSPCA,mobile phone,lamping equipment,clothing all confiscated..On the day I was convicted I was put on electronic tag from 6pm to 6am and in the Sherrifs words from the moment it gets dark until the moment it breaks light for 3 months,I got 12 months probation,the dog was seized and I still had to pay for her kennel fees for the two months in between being caught and convicted which amassed to over £1100,the motor,all lamping equipment etc was also seized and never returned,I was banned from keeping hunting type dogs for a period of 12 months...I wasn't convicted of poaching as there are laws in Scotland which allow you the right to roam...on release from Dumfries police station with hardly any clothing I was left 70 mile away from home stranded as the vehicle had been taken in what turned out to be one of the stormiest nights in history as it was this night that several bridges were washed away here in Cumbria and it was only several months ago that we got a new road bridge lol...so there you go..if you run the gauntlet my advice is don't lol...this was all over 7 or 8 poxy hares...No bullshit there folks,that's what and did happen ...I'm just a humble bunny catcher now...can't be f****d with all the shite that can come with chasing a few other bits and bobs about the countryside...Atb Andy

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