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Final Decision

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application submitted 2nd december,feo was happy said everything was spot on,security ok,landowners were contacted .i emailed the firearms department 3 weeks ago and they told me it was on the managers desk for final decision and to get signed off .never heard anything so i rang them today and was told still no news its still on the managers desk ,just wondering if it normally takes weeks just to get signed off


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application submitted 2nd december,feo was happy said everything was spot on,security ok,landowners were contacted .i emailed the firearms department 3 weeks ago and they told me it was on the managers desk for final decision and to get signed off .never heard anything so i rang them today and was told still no news its still on the managers desk ,just wondering if it normally takes weeks just to get signed off


No, shouldn't do. Get the managers name and number and phone him/her.


Just out of interest, what police force?

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I wouldn't worry over 3 weeks my renewal was sent back in November they are fully aware that both my fac and sgc have now expired and still she said it will be at least another 2 weeks thats Derbyshire,its a joke I've never known it this bad for donkeys years,infact I have never known it take so long ever,even when i phone them up to check the progress she had a chip on her shoulder the size of a king Edward,it was like its my fault they can't cope with the backed up apps etc,I ain't chasing them no more,


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Update on the renewal,Lindsay from admin called today after receiving my email to say the cert was printed off on Jan 27th the delay is down to the enquiry officer,he has my cert and will give it me on my home visit but she has no control over his diary and he will ring me when he's ready,usually up my way Fridays apparently,this is new to me,on my other renewals in the past,I got a visit then the cert was posted,not now,its all done before the visit,is this the same with some of you guys,?


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I wouldn't worry over 3 weeks my renewal was sent back in November they are fully aware that both my fac and sgc have now expired and still she said it will be at least another 2 weeks thats Derbyshire,its a joke I've never known it this bad for donkeys years,infact I have never known it take so long ever,even when i phone them up to check the progress she had a chip on her shoulder the size of a king Edward,it was like its my fault they can't cope with the backed up apps etc,I ain't chasing them no more,



"She", is the problem, she rubishes any thing in the department says and then ends up saying the same thing after forcing you to listen to the waffle for a few minutes, and "she" is only admin, I understand, not the initial enquiry bloke or the feo or a manager,


I've posted on this before here, derbs are either very good or crap, toss up how it goes :bye:

Edited by cyclonebri1
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