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Any Ideas What Could Be Wrong?

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i put my 8 month old first x bull grey on red mills about a week ago it was about that time i noticed he had blood in his stool the blood is runny and quite bright in coulor he his still eating same as he always as and drinking lots of water, personality wise he is still quite energetic and hyper. then inoticed that he had a limp 3 days ago so i turned around put him back in the car and went home, next day he was limping worse checker his kunckles toes and legs they both seem to be the same noting feels like its out of place so i checked his pads cant see any thorns or tears so i thort it could be down to the grit because of the weather latley i sprayed his foot with septi clense a few time he seems to be getting better on his leg but the bloods still in his poo, going to ring vets in the morning, ill let you now whatthe vet says as for now do you have any idea what thi could be down to maybey the change of food?

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