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Dog Injured

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Was out walking last week with the lurchers and my wee bitch went away for a while, when she came back she had inch cut cut on her leg, its not deep or wide open, had been wiping it down with salty water each day but from last week her legs swelled up and shes lost a bit of weight, brought her in the house lastnite, there was a lot of puss coming out her leg, got her on antibiotics and keeping her in the house for a few days, any ideas on this to help it more

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Might be something stuck inside the cut, a bit of stick, foreign body of some sort. Usually (I say usually, this has happen to my dog three times!) when squeezed the puss comes out with a splinter in it. The last one I had was a 1 1/2" long though. But as always, if you are unsure see a vet as could save you money in the long run!

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it might be worth buying some super glue and iodine or simalr. so that the problem can be avoided in the future.


there are better things than salt water to clean out a wound.


lara made a valid point about antibiotics too. if it doesn't seem to get any better i'd go to the vets

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  On 12/02/2013 at 12:55, R.A.W said:

it might be worth buying some super glue and iodine or simalr. so that the problem can be avoided in the future.


there are better things than salt water to clean out a wound.


lara made a valid point about antibiotics too. if it doesn't seem to get any better i'd go to the vets

Superglue won't help a puncture wound.

What's better than saline solution to clean out a wound? Why is it the irrigation medium of choice with human wounds?

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I tend too use dettol with cuts and if there is swelling meta cam will help plus the anitbiotics and if its a big cut buy a veterinary stapler comes in handy find they don't work as well as stitches but Iam not very good with a needle and if u Eva patch up another one mind leave a hole on one end of the cut if it gets pussy it needs some were too drain out and some thing my vet always told me if its sliced its skin open and uve waited don't try and do it later must be cleaned straight away then stapled dont do it if uve left it till morning

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  On 12/02/2013 at 13:01, Taz-n-Lily said:


  On 12/02/2013 at 12:55, R.A.W said:

it might be worth buying some super glue and iodine or simalr. so that the problem can be avoided in the future.


there are better things than salt water to clean out a wound.


lara made a valid point about antibiotics too. if it doesn't seem to get any better i'd go to the vets

Superglue won't help a puncture wound.

What's better than saline solution to clean out a wound? Why is it the irrigation medium of choice with human wounds?


it might be worth buying some super glue is what said. not that it will help a puncture wound.


it might help in the future with cuts.


i haven't seen the wound so won't make a call on the correct treatment for two reasons one i'm not a vet and two i'm not a vet.


you are correct that saline solution is very good at cleaning out wounds and saline solution is salt water but it has to be the right ratio. nurses don't just mix salt with water and crack on cleaning a wound out. i think that the point i'm making


i hope managed to clean that one up for you.

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if the swelling is due to the infection it wont need meloxicam (petcam/metacam) ect, just the correct type and dose of antibiotic administerd over the correct period, all this on the assumption there is no foreign object in the wound, to be fair if your in the slightest bit unsure of what your doing then get it to a vet. salt water is as good as any other sterile wash on the market.

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