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SSSHHHH... dont let the cat out the bag

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Pest control is a funny thing, no matter how you look at it :blink:


There i was sitting with a cuppa in my hand when i get a phone call from one of my customers, this is how the phone call went.


customer'' hello M..... are you busy?"

me"" not at this presice moment, how can i help you?""

customer"" well, 2 weeks ago someone dumped a litter of 5 cats in our garden and since then myself and Mr .... have tried to catch them"" shes 91 and hubby is 93 this yr :icon_eek: "" but sadly we havnt been able to, we have a gent from the rspca here and hes having no luck at all""

Me"" give me half an hour and i will be there"" so off i go to the shed to get a few mink traps.


when i get there i was met by the customer as well as a rather red faced :icon_redface: sweating arse pca orrifice who looked down at me as soon as he saw me.


customer "" would you like a cuppa?''

me " of course, thank you"


arse pca orrifice after customer is out of ear shot " do you have a gun?""

Me "" of course i do but not here""

orrifice "" you will need it, this is the fifth time ive been here after theses sodding cats this last 2 weeks and i cant catch them""

Me "" oh"


so me and butt head trot off to the shed where the kittens are hidden underneath. bendding over i see 5 pairs of eyes looking at me.


Orrifice"" you will be needing this towel then?"

Me " no thanks i havnt broken into a sweat yet" the irony of my joke wasted on him


well, i set the traps and retired to the kitchen to drink my cuppa where the customer informs me the orrifice hadnt had much luck with his large fishing net as she called it. "" he looked like the child snatcher from chitty chitty bang bang"" she says bursting into laughter

Me, i just looked at him with a smug look on my face.


anyway not long over an hour later myself and butt head walk to inspect the traps, and hay, what do you know, 5 fluffy 6-7week old kittens happly eating some good old kitty kat whilst held safely in 3 of the mink traps.


so to you mr, im a arse pca orrifice with 20yrs experiance and never have had much faith in pest controlers ive one thing to say :feck:

Edited by mole catcher
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