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Air Arms Springers

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Fight, Fight, Fight, :laugh: .


Springers rule and PCPs drool :victory::blink::laugh:.


No on a serious note it doesnt matter what you shoot as long as your happy doing it and get the same enjoyment as i do from shooting.

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Elitism from PCP owners Phil?. Look as far as I'm concerned, PCPs were invented to give accuracy to people who have none. That is a painful truth. Or why can't your average PCP-only shooter hit a bar

I think would I would do in your shoes is keep the 100 and look for a cheap 2nd hand tx or 97. Then if you decide springers are not for you, you havnt lost your 100. Some people just can't get the kna

If I ever won a good lump sum on the National Lottery I would get together with Davy, give him a large lump sum and together buy a plot of land and have a proper 50 m indoor range built with cafe, sho

Oh I forgot this true story too I was told about last Friday.


A invalid who was in a wheel chair was also told that he could not shoot in this clubs HFT comp because he couldn't shoot from the prone position due to his condition.


So basically he was turned away and banned from HFT at their club.


Who would believe there are people and clubs about like this hey?

Edited by zini
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If I ever won a good lump sum on the National Lottery I would get together with Davy, give him a large lump sum and together buy a plot of land and have a proper 50 m indoor range built with cafe, showers and a few small rent - able corri mec type accommodations, and open it as a club to all.


That's how i would spend my remaining day enjoying a hobby and a job at the same time :yes: .


We would then run all the meets at ours.



Edited by zini
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If I ever won a good lump sum on the National Lottery I would get together with Davy, give him a large lump sum and together buy a plot of land and have a proper 50 m indoor range built with cafe, showers and a few small rent - able corri mec type accommodations, and open it as a club to all.


That's how i would spend my remaining day enjoying a hobby and a job at the same time :yes: .


We would then run all the meets at ours.



need a bar aswell mate :thumbs: . :cheers:

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If I ever won a good lump sum on the National Lottery I would get together with Davy, give him a large lump sum and together buy a plot of land and have a proper 50 m indoor range built with cafe, showers and a few small rent - able corri mec type accommodations, and open it as a club to all.


That's how i would spend my remaining day enjoying a hobby and a job at the same time :yes: .


We would then run all the meets at ours.



Wow! That was what I had in mind as well if I won the lottery!


I've always said as long as people have fun and don't do anything stupid they could come and go for free! I wouldn't even charge, out sport is getting so expensive and syndicates buying up shooting rights I would love to give something like this for free to people who live our sport!


Amen brother!

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If I ever won a good lump sum on the National Lottery I would get together with Davy, give him a large lump sum and together buy a plot of land and have a proper 50 m indoor range built with cafe, showers and a few small rent - able corri mec type accommodations, and open it as a club to all.


That's how i would spend my remaining day enjoying a hobby and a job at the same time :yes: .


We would then run all the meets at ours.



Hmm now if I was your Business advisor....You do not need to give Davy a large lump sum. You set up a partnership with a title (Name of Company) and use a singular amount of cash to buy premises and land under the name of your partnership. You agree all expenditures, liabilities insurances and dividends as a company formed between yourselves. You then register your business as a charitable trust and claim tax relief as such.


It would be a great place, you two would set up...


Just in case you actually win this! :thumbs:

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what rifle did you go for in the end.

i have a hw97k at the moment but would love a pro sport ,

the only problem is i have never seen one in the flesh never mind shot one ,i just like the look of them

and the reviews are fantastic .i would want it for hft in .177

there is a 2 week old one for sale in walnut .177 70 pellets through it the warranty card is not even filled in with purchase recipt

£400 ,i was all ready to buy it and then i put my car in for a noise ,the garage told me my gear box is shot all that saving for a rifle and its all gone on the bloody car


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Just to chuck my penny in the jar;


Couldn't agree more with Si, my 8 year old was smacking bulls with my BSA Scorpion, of course wonderful experience for her as she couldn't shoulder my full length tx!


And on that note regarding the OP, have we properly discussed the merits of the tx200 hc vs full length vs prosport?

Hehe just thought I'd chuck that into the discussion pot for a good stir!

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I think it going to have to be theeeeeee


I don't know

Been down the shop they both feel very nice in my hands and seem to fit me the same but having got to hold them made me choose the pro sport only due to the tx being very front heavy in my opinion just need to sell up and get one on order thanks guy glad I asked as I would of bought the tx200 otherwise

This was something I wondered about when I first had my TX Mk111. Eventually I twigged.

It makes the rifle steadier to shoot and the recoil does not push the barrel all over the place.

A mild self-tune helps........


Lovely to shoot from a bean-bag or prone off the elbow. A bit heavy for standing shots, but as long as you don't faff around for ages before pulling the trigger it's no big deal.

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