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New Member Interested In Photographing Ferreting

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Hi there,


I'm a photohrapher interested in documenting the relationships between humans and animals. I have fond memories of accompanying ferreters a a child while on holiday. If you wouldn't mind having a photographer accompany you for a day or two pleae get in touch. I'm living in South London and so can travel anywhere within a couple of hours of London by train. The aim is to build a historical record of the people who participate in an often overlooked sport and to capture something of the drama, anticipation, and care needed to to be successful at ferreting. In return for your time I'd happily send you digital files of the best images and invite you to any exhibitions that might come out of the work.


I'm aware it's late in the season so please don't hesitate to get in touch!


Here's my photoblog - www.pasdhospitalite.tumblr.com


All the best,



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