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Supposed To Be Gettin Just The Dog Run

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Well for one me and my pal was ment to be workin saturday mornin but the job was put on hold so we took a drive to my friends farm to pick a dog run up we gets ther talkin to the farmer general chit chat till he got on to the problem hes avin his hen phesant goin walk about n hes noticed the foxes hangin around on a mornin and as it happend my mate had is terrier in the van cos he was avin a row with the other dog so we took a wonder down the back of the field in and out is the young dog with 10 mins in boom big vixen bolts my mate was praisin his dog on his 1st proper owtin wich was not arranged he was movin around for a while then hed not moved so back to the van i jogged sweatin my ass off away we go 6ft dig breaks throw hes avin a [BANNED TEXT] good old go is the youngen my mate could not of asked any more from his dog the farmer was chuffed we was chuffed turn owt to be a great day .

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Oki doki look thers no sweat of my sack i was just showin how the youngen went on for wat its worth i shouldnt of done cos theres too many idiots on here that have to preach or try be profesional a dnt see why id lie but nevermind eh srry to the people who fancy been smart but thnx to people who said well much apreciated

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Well for one me and my pal was ment to be workin saturday mornin but the job was put on hold so we took a drive to my friends farm to pick a dog run up we gets ther talkin to the farmer general chit chat till he got on to the problem hes avin his hen phesant goin walk about n hes noticed the foxes hangin around on a mornin and as it happend my mate had is terrier in the van cos he was avin a row with the other dog so we took a wonder down the back of the field in and out is the young dog with 10 mins in boom big vixen bolts my mate was praisin his dog on his 1st proper owtin wich was not arranged he was movin around for a while then hed not moved so back to the van i jogged sweatin my ass off away we go 6ft dig breaks throw hes avin a [BANNED TEXT] good old go is the youngen my mate could not of asked any more from his dog the farmer was chuffed we was chuffed turn owt to be a great day .

thought it was only 4ft?ha ha

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