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Was out yesterday and the lads were so fusy about witch shovle to bring to the dig when I said dose it real mate thay said that the pitch on the head was wrong or the head on that one wa too big and the shaft on that one is too short.


Thay had difrent shovels for difrent jobs.

My qustion woul de dose it matter as long as u got one that dosent brake.

What is the best size shovel

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I've used a grafter, garden spade, folding shovel, wrecking bar, probe,spit, even a pick at some time or other and they were all needed at the time but for every dig and for mooching about I always have a bulldog round mouth with steel shaft and d handle cut down to about 2 1/2 ft. Took a little bit off the sides aswell. Stays sharp. Moves a good shovel full at a time and goes through roots well. Also carries on your back well when it's cut down. Depends where your diggin but I can dig just about all the places I go with just this spade. It's a bulldog no 2. Cheers

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  On 14/02/2013 at 10:22, adonnachie said:
you can
  On 12/02/2013 at 17:55, Peter Leemooch said:
load of tosh if you ask me as long as it does the job.your not giving somebody a short back and sides you are digging a hole
. Were do you think the saying , call a spade a spade comes from , think you would no. The differance if you dug for a living.
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