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Fox Bites Off Babies Finger!

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An RSPCA spokeswoman said the only reason a fox would attack is due to fear. Wankers.

When a fox drags a baby from it's cot and bites off a finger, that's not fear!!! RSPCA coming up trumps as per, how anyone takes them seriously anymore is beyond me.

terrible, the dosy c**t from the society needs a good shovel to the back of the heed

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With a little luck they'll start trapping them all and letting them go in the countryside!!


Iv been out on a big park in south London and have never seen so many foxes in one place in my life, and the bloke I was with said that was a shit night and he usually see's double that. There was eyes everywhere you looked.

With a bit more luck they will trap the fuckers and shoot them rather than let them go

its illegal to trap them and let them go ............is it not.......... :hmm::whistling:

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With a little luck they'll start trapping them all and letting them go in the countryside!!


Iv been out on a big park in south London and have never seen so many foxes in one place in my life, and the bloke I was with said that was a shit night and he usually see's double that. There was eyes everywhere you looked.

With a bit more luck they will trap the fuckers and shoot them rather than let them go
its illegal to trap them and let them go ............is it not.......... :hmm::whistling:


Hasent stoped the rspca in the past though dont they release any vermin they catch even invasive species

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there a few wander around our streets,i may need to get beau to dispatch them,my defense they attacked me and my dog was just protecting me

Even money the fox..... :laugh:

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This was an horrific incident, but why should anyone seek the opinion of the RSPCA. This was not an animal welfare or cruelty issue, and as such they should not have been allowed to spout their usual distorted view. This is a pest control issue and the press should have sought opinion and advice from a pest controller. The RSPCA have again been given a platform regarding all matters concerning animals. They are not the animal Police, they are a charity. I hope that the child makes a speedy recovery.

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attachicon.gifBrendans dogs 013.jpgattachicon.gifBrendans dogs 014.jpgThis was over twenty five years ago,when we got a call out,this one was in the sitting room.For any RSPCA having a look this one did not live to run another day.

no need to worry mate we can tell how long ago it was by the tellys :laugh:


Aye and the hairstyle!!!!! Oh wait............... :whistling::laugh::thumbs:

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Just watched the news, and every time I hear the RSPCARSEHOLES response to this I think they should stick the dumbass who said it in a room with the parents, and relatives and let her explain how their 4 week old baby scared the crap out of the poor fox. The fox would have had to pick up the baby to get it out of the cot, and by the sounds of it the poor frightened animal was about to chow down on the babies arm. I know we get rougue dogs that attack kids and adults but how many purposely go into a house to kill and eat a baby,

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just saw the news article also.


i noticed the media making a point that these are urban foxes.(repeatedly) as if the ones that live in the country are different i think they are getting desperate now it won't take long before A CHILD IS KILLED then the city slickers will be up in arms. maybe then they will relies the importance of controlling old charlie.


just because we did it on horse back with hounds didn't make it any less of necessity .

if a fox was strong and true and made it away then it soon learn to fear being around us.


I'm not saying we should get out there an wipe them off the face of the earth but just let us control them with methods that have developed over hundreds of years. i would be a sad day when the last fox is gone.


HUNTING WITH HOUNDS IS CRUEL. Say the antis . so is letting a dangerous animal forget it's fear of humans and dogs and turn that lack of fear into aggression towards us says i.



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Now, im not saying that its not really shitty for the baby and its family. But it's a fox, and that was meat, why does everyone get so surprised? They act like the foxes are suddenly trying to over throw people, or have become eveil wer-foxes. It's an opportunitic predator, which has lost its fear of people, in the urban environment, of course its going to try to eat any meat that it thinks it can get away with. They need controlling like the rats etc do, but they are just foxes, doing what foxes do.

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With a little luck they'll start trapping them all and letting them go in the countryside!!


Iv been out on a big park in south London and have never seen so many foxes in one place in my life, and the bloke I was with said that was a shit night and he usually see's double that. There was eyes everywhere you looked.

With a bit more luck they will trap the fuckers and shoot them rather than let them go

its illegal to trap them and let them go ............is it not.......... :hmm::whistling:

only if caught

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RSPCA are knob jockeys and we are aware of this. I myself adore the fox i think its beautiful animal and has always fascanted me but but but THEY MUST BE CONTROLLED...on my local park alone (i dont have working dogs but love to see dogs at work and a good job done) we are over run and im in Lancashire. When ive vistited London in the past ive got to say they even unerved ME the amount of them and boldness of them when i was out having a ciggy at night. There becomes a time when enoughs enough and if the farmers livleyhoods going in Charlies gut isnt enough to get something done maybe babys will be????? And as for costs that they cant afford to do i agree let the Lurchermen and Terriermen on the jobs who will as said glady do it free of charge!!!! Hope the babys ok :thumbs:

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