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11 Rabbits With A Couple Of Mates And The Keeper Few Pics

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well i organised to get a days ferreting on a bit of permission i just recently got on a big shooting estate. so got there by 10 and set of with my dad his mate a my mate and the keeper. had to take the pup to day and my dads pal took his lurcher and my mate took his lab it a real good marker his lab lol. anyway the first warren nothing at home so moved on to the second nets down and entered the ferrets waited few mins fist one bolted right in front of the pup thankfully and he grabbed it in till got there so far good. then second rabbit then third and the forth then it went a bit quiet for 5 mins or so then the bunny number 5 came. we moved on to the bigger warrens so nets down ferrets in and we got 3 out of that. the likes to pick up the rabbits a runss of wi them lol. so 8 so far the we had a dig at 3 ft it was really easy digging. we moved on to fence line but i think the keeper wanted to shoot a few rabbs with shot gun but didnt have the chance lol but he liked see the dogs work he said hel bring his lurchers next time and the last warren we done we got the last 2 rabbits with a nice clean bolts heres a few pics of the alb l k the best pics took them of my phone 382216_444191055649116_1286327111_n.jpg487796_444191045649117_440111620_n.jpg24302_444191352315753_1158889255_n.jpg65539_444191408982414_171606190_n.jpg481122_444191385649083_1039053187_n.jpg561580_444191398982415_333046421_n.jpg72661_444192588982296_1662792892_n.jpg531803_444192592315629_851647170_n.jpg

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nice write up and pictures bud,looks like youve picked up some great ferreting permission ,great to hear the keepers letting you take dogs aswell,look after the permission well and treat it with respect ,keepers are a great way of picking up other permissions,but they can also give you a bad name if you upset them.


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