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Where Are The Long Legged Springers??

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Is it still possible to get a working springer with a long back and long legs that can cover decent distances? I've been looking about on the web and can't find any??

They all seem to be roughly the same height as cockers or not far off, just wider in the shoulders/chest.

The show Springers got a nice length of leg/back (maybe a bit too much?) but have that rubbish coat, ridiculous ears and unknown working ability, being bred solely for their looks.

The trialling springers are now the same as cockers, crazy little dogs that don't slow down or stop from the moment you open the truck to the moment they get home. They may be biddable and trainable and have a work rate thats through the roof but seem to have very little between the ears, needlessly working empty cover over and over again just to keep themselves busy and as their only expected to work one day a week their bred, short and stocky so they can sprint everywhere. Meaning the can rarely do 4-5 hard days graft week in week out.


We got our last Springer 18yrs ago from the Rytex kennels, exactly what we were after, nice and steady through cover but longer legged so could cover the distances well at a decent speed. Day in day out.

Checked their website and found nothing but bright white cocker sized springer's.

They've got a photo on there of two of their champion Springers and two of their champ cockers side by side and apart from colour, their identical!!

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Sorry I didn't mean to imply they were stupid, just that they don't seem to show a lot of common sense. They'll work the same bit of cover over and over again, even if they know it's empty.


His kennel name was Hedgecock Harry out of Rytex Rex and Rytex Ria

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A little confusing the topic,covering a variety of subjects ?.


Firstly the confusing bit : I think your chances of finding such a specific type dog are very remote unless somebody advertises such a dog,but that also depends on what everybody calls leggy !

I presume from the paragraph regarding the trial spaniels, that you have had a "trial standard dog" and also used it for beating/picking up and had a bad experience ?

I think you will find, that the hunting tempo in spaniels for trials is encouraged to the max but also that it clinically works

it`s beat that the dog is pushed along,some lack a gear,others need to be worked on for the top gear,and other thrash away with great style. Choosing a pup is a lottery !


But one thing you will find with most trial dogs or even a well trained spaniel, is that they switch off when trained/commanded to do so ( plenty between the ears ).


I think if your looking for a perfect performing dog,you`ll be waiting as long as i have :thumbs:

Edited by camokev64
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Hi Bullmastiff, I was looking for a springer in late 2011, as I'm from Scotland i had to look down south for a legal springer with a docked tail. After a long hard search i ended up at Mr Ian Openshaw ( Rytex) pup was out of (dawson lee chance) I have to say i'm not into trials never have been,all i was after was a bitch out of good working stock,she had her first season beating,with a very little picking up.She performed very well solid on whistle,hand commands etc,have to say i am very happy with her.Next season she should have no problems with two days picking up and one day's beating a week.

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My first spaniel was huge and the size of a lab ,took to everything no problem just wanting to please ,then i traveled for my next bitch and shes a classic(rytex) small mainly white and goes like her arse is on fire . But it will be my last spaniel up here in Scotland if you look round them at gamefairs there all the same

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  On 11/02/2013 at 09:59, jessdale said:


  On 10/02/2013 at 23:29, camokev64 said:

DOGS ARE 90% HANDLER 10% DOG, PROVE ME WRONG ! Even with a lottery.

Do you know a handler that can alter the length of a dogs legs?.

No,but many that attempt to ! Ha Ha Ha,nice one

Edited by camokev64
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JUST FROM ANOTHER ANGLE a spaniel with long legs will cover more ground but will it hunt it out and find and flush better then a very busy medium size dog my own thoughts are if its leggy then it will hunt out of shooting range very quickly as it has the drive of a spaniel but the stride of a bigger dog. I am bias as I do like close coupled dogs As for long backs I was told years ago that the trailers liked rytex as they had a long back and showed up as style during trials. As always this is just my take on things a.t.b.

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it's not easy but they are out there. I got 1 in December a year and a half old real big dog 27kg and there's more to be filled in him as he wasn't looked after that well. a friend has 1 also a true monster of a springer 37kg will hold going for day's nice and steady.will get pic's up later.

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The champion springer bitch on the left is 5 years old this month yet she is only 1.5 inch taller than the 10 month old cocker bitch on the right. She is unbelievably hard hunting,a real machine, that can cover ground as fast as you could ever wish. She doesn't need long legs.

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