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Take The Shot Or Not Take The Shot

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My thoughts where as you mentioned a football goal and tennis court there could of been a house nearby and if you had a ricochet ?. its no nice leaving a animal that might be in pain but theres always another day

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morning all


I am pleased you all confirmed it was best to leave, as I watched her the safety was off and finger was ready to squeeze, there was no danger, the background is a private wood but it drops away so the bullet would just hit the tops of trees, the tennis court was an issue, the house is half a mile away behind, but something was in my head as I dragged the other one back that I should have taken the shot, then the whats if's start, what if she is in pain, what if she walks out slowly in front of a car, what if it hangs by that leg. But then I didnt cause the injury and what made it right was what if the bullet had clipped a part of that fence and gone in the other direction in the air.


I went back yesterday and there is no sign of her, now we have this wind and rain coming they will dig deep in woods but I will be back out very soon.



According to that post there is NO safe backstop so no way should the shot be taken! If you think the tops of trees are a safe backstop then you need to be thinking again about how you use a rifle! Just because a wood is Private it dosn't mean people couldn't be in there.

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morning all


I am pleased you all confirmed it was best to leave, as I watched her the safety was off and finger was ready to squeeze, there was no danger, the background is a private wood but it drops away so the bullet would just hit the tops of trees, the tennis court was an issue, the house is half a mile away behind, but something was in my head as I dragged the other one back that I should have taken the shot, then the whats if's start, what if she is in pain, what if she walks out slowly in front of a car, what if it hangs by that leg. But then I didnt cause the injury and what made it right was what if the bullet had clipped a part of that fence and gone in the other direction in the air.


I went back yesterday and there is no sign of her, now we have this wind and rain coming they will dig deep in woods but I will be back out very soon.



According to that post there is NO safe backstop so no way should the shot be taken! If you think the tops of trees are a safe backstop then you need to be thinking again about how you use a rifle! Just because a wood is Private it dosn't mean people couldn't be in there.

Try not to judge when you repy makes it sound a bit condescending, when I say I know the back drop is safe trust me after doing this job as long as I have i know its safe, capitals means your shouting or highlighting a point, I know the layout of the ground and whilst I have tried to explain as simple as I can the question was not about the background it was whether I shoot through the fence to an injured animal. the original post clearly stated "I know the background is safe so there are no worries there" not I didnt know what was behind the deer.


For info the ground behind is private as its an old quarry that is fenced off to the public, between the field I shoot and the quarry is where the deer are and they come out to the grass field I shoot in, the wood is about 500 yds deep made up of oak to pine, and it is thick, after the 500 yds of woodland there is massive lake and the far side of the lake is a clay bank about 100 ft high, the lake is surrounded by a 20ft high fence to keep people out. I cant see a bullet going through the tops of those trees when I say tops Im talking trees that are 50 ft high and I would be shooting 40ft of that so what are the chances of a bullet coming out the other side, and if it did it will hit the bank of the lake, that my friend is safe, hence my post had the emphasis on the tennis court not the background, so I do not need to think about how i use a rifle Im fully aware thank you.

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