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Take The Shot Or Not Take The Shot

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Out yesterday and went to a field that is often a good one and waited, sure enough after an hour or so we had a show, looking at the fallow grazing and bearing in mind I have to drag it (i did think I would borrow Sussex's quad)I noticed one was lame but didnt look that bad and lost which one it was I picked out the one i wanted took the shot it went down. The rest ran left handed the lame one was carrying his leg as he ran and was at the back of the herd, I watched it stop and turn and was looking and stood for sometime, I know the background is safe so there are no worries there as I watched him at a distance of about 200 yds I could see clearly as I was laying down and had zoomed in on him.


Now the bullet would have to go through a full sized football goal this was not an issue but then there is a tennis court and the deer was at the corner so it would have to go through the side and back of the court of the standard fencing which has fairly big holes, I had a few mins to think, the owner wants rid of these deer, its lame, it could break a link in the fence which can be repaired, could the bullet stray?


What does the panel think? take the shot or let it go??





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If I understand correctly you are saying there was no question of safety as no one was about and no house too nearby and your only concern was the potential effect of the tennis court fencing on your trajectory. That being said I would still opt to pass on the shot. The fence repair would be of little concern but the potential of having your shot fouled by the fence and leaving an already lame animal wounded and suffering would be justification to leave this one for another day. I've taken a shot that I should have passed up and regretted it. You're sure to regret it if you leave a wounded deer running about the wood but nothing to regret about saving this one for another day. You definitely made the right call in my book.

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morning all


I am pleased you all confirmed it was best to leave, as I watched her the safety was off and finger was ready to squeeze, there was no danger, the background is a private wood but it drops away so the bullet would just hit the tops of trees, the tennis court was an issue, the house is half a mile away behind, but something was in my head as I dragged the other one back that I should have taken the shot, then the whats if's start, what if she is in pain, what if she walks out slowly in front of a car, what if it hangs by that leg. But then I didnt cause the injury and what made it right was what if the bullet had clipped a part of that fence and gone in the other direction in the air.


I went back yesterday and there is no sign of her, now we have this wind and rain coming they will dig deep in woods but I will be back out very soon.

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