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Horse Meat

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So whats the big deal over horse meat? I can understand the annoyance over eating one meat having been told its another, but I for one wouldn't be even a tiny bit green about eating horse. After all

I have no problem eating any meat ad long as I know what it is ...... If some multi million pound company wants to take my money then they should at least have the decency to tell me truthfully hat I

I'd eat it all day long,I used to get it by the hundred weight for the dogs out of the knackersyard,it was good dark red meat with not an ounce of fat amongst it...too many do gooders in this country

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Instead of taking it off the shelves and probably burning it (wasting it), why not put a sign up saying this lasagne etc, may contain horse meat then you have the choice,

Yep ive always said this is what they should do. Must be loads going to waste.

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My old dear just chucked a lasagne out, but had one the other night :hmm: I asked what difference it made if she had already eaten one? Couldn't even answer the silly mare! :laugh:

get the f****r on ebay mate, ones got a bid on at £200 :laugh:

Just saw it!! I'll be in that wheelie bin the morra!!! :laugh:

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The way i see it is, ok it would have been nice to know you were munching down on a horses big chunky thigh or something, BUT sure at the time it tasting nice, didnt do me any harm (if ive ate it) im still living not been ill... Theres thousands of people starving - i think horse should be a usually eaten meat..

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Instead of taking it off the shelves and probably burning it (wasting it), why not put a sign up saying this lasagne etc, may contain horse meat then you have the choice,

Yep ive always said this is what they should do. Must be loads going to waste.

i think the problem is that as they didnt know there was horse meat being processed in the 1st place, they cant be sure it hasnt been given any drugs prior to slaughter that are alleged to cause cancer.

no one at the minute is saying i minced the horse and i know exactly where it came from, they all seem to blaming each other, too many variable at the minute for the FSA to say tuck in and fill your boots.

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I am hoping that as the meat was processed in a plant that makes food for human consumption, then it would have been horse meat slaughtered for human consumption, so subject to the same standards as the joints/steaks/mince etc that is sold in French supermarkets/butchers. I haven't eaten any - I don't trust those processed frozen food things - but I don't have a problem with horse meat being eaten in general. As long as I know what I am eating, I am happy.

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I had a horse steak in Luxembourg recentley and bloody hell !! it was the best steak I`ve had,, absolutely beautiful.


TBH I`ll eat anything thats put in front of me if it`s fresh. Well,, actually I`ve eaten a few things that weren`t as fresh as the coulda been as well ! lol

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""My take on it is so long as Horses dont start getting bred for the sole intention of slaughter then fairplay.

If for what ever reason they need to be Euthanised get the meat on folks table. Its good tucker so why waste it so long as its labled as Horsemeat whats the problem.""


Whats wrong with breeding them to eat like ?


I`d rather have a horse raised for eating then slaughtered, than one that had to be put down for some reason.





Well, personally I`d rather have one that I`ve shot myself,

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I have even thought of going to the sales to buy an old knacker, to put on the freezer for me an the hounds, you can get em for peanuts. (I didn't, thought it might be illegal :D ).


A French man told me "the best age to eat them is about 15 years plus" after I told him I thought they were a bit tasteless compared to beef.

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