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Horse Meat

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So whats the big deal over horse meat?

I can understand the annoyance over eating one meat having been told its another, but I for one wouldn't be even a tiny bit green about eating horse.

After all, they are a good old fashioned herbivore that grazes and packs on muscle. If we rode cows I suppose nobody would eat beef!


What are your views?

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So whats the big deal over horse meat? I can understand the annoyance over eating one meat having been told its another, but I for one wouldn't be even a tiny bit green about eating horse. After all

I have no problem eating any meat ad long as I know what it is ...... If some multi million pound company wants to take my money then they should at least have the decency to tell me truthfully hat I

I'd eat it all day long,I used to get it by the hundred weight for the dogs out of the knackersyard,it was good dark red meat with not an ounce of fat amongst it...too many do gooders in this country

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I'd eat it all day long,I used to get it by the hundred weight for the dogs out of the knackersyard,it was good dark red meat with not an ounce of fat amongst it...too many do gooders in this country who think far more about the welfare of animals than they do people...

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Anyone eat salami, choritzo ect ? I love it, even after finding it contains horse and donkey meat, it hasn't stopped me eating it.

I hate horses, and often say to their owners that they are only good for filling my freezer.

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I have no problem eating any meat ad long as I know what it is ...... If some multi million pound company wants to take my money then they should at least have the decency to tell me truthfully hat I am eating ... However I don't eat processed crap and all my meat comes from the field or my local butchers .......

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My old dear just chucked a lasagne out, but had one the other night :hmm: I asked what difference it made if she had already eaten one? Couldn't even answer the silly mare! :laugh:

get the f****r on ebay mate, ones got a bid on at £200 :laugh:

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The big deal is that they are advertising it as beef, simple as that.


No one I've spoke to has given a shit about the horse meat, only the false advertising.

mcdonalds false advertise all the time , hamburgers that are made out of beef :laugh:

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Just watching a bit on the news and it got me thinking about all these silly c**ts who say they can tell the difference between a decent burger or a shit one....facts are they never even had a f***ing clue it was probably Horse they were eating...... :laugh:

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