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Will All Long Ear Dogs Quit Eventually?

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I'm glad I'm not a dog owned by some of you idiots!!! There a animal not a fecking machine.

this will get them going

i would have thought theres alot of things to take into consideration. all dogs will pull up if abused on there chosen quarry imo.

  On 08/02/2013 at 22:55, Millet said:

The fitest fastest best ever dog on the planet will stop/jack eventualy.. :yes: ..i dont know why have replied yet again as i will probably read another load of pages of shite.. :D

and you have and you will ha ha atb bunnys.

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  On 08/02/2013 at 19:23, jukel123 said:


  On 08/02/2013 at 19:11, alimac said:


I'm glad I'm not a dog owned by some of you idiots!!! There a animal not a fecking machine.

Well said. If the dog is not getting enough oxygen to its muscles it must stop. A car must stop when it runs out of petrol.

I cannot see the point of a dog that runs itself to the point of complete exhaustion. I would rather have a dog that works out that the odds are in the quarry's favour and quits. Much better that way because the dog is fresh enough for a run where the odds are more in its favour.

I know there's this big macho thing about never quitting and some owners seem to think it's a refection on themselves--some sort of half arsed John Wayne syndrome. It's bollox.

Dog that pick their runs even when they have a chance of catching are not worth a feck. A dog that looks at a rabbit two foot from a hedge, thinks about the percentages and ignores it is clever, not a quitter. A dog that knows the score will, at the end of the day put more gear in the bag.

You must have some pretty intelligent dogs there. They work out if the odds in the quarries favour and quit but they don't chose their runs, wow.

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  On 08/02/2013 at 07:59, paulsmithy83 said:

Hare or dog which eva in best condition will not die first common sense fu¤k all to do [BANNED TEXT] breeds

I had a dog die chasing a hare, he was in top condition, heart exploded. I seen a footballer die in a game, looked in top condition.


Its down to the owner to know the capabilities of his dog. First hare, dog should be fine afterwards. 2nd chase, owner should know if he is up for it or not. 3rd chase, depending on the length of the other 2, he should know if his dogs able to do a grueller or not. The edge is off the dog after the first chase, he should be settling into the second one. If its a long one, you should be watching to see if the dogs struggling. All dogs get a second wind, but when that's gone, tanks empty..... You don't want to be in that place so best knowing the signs of your dog. If the dog runs out of steam it's either the dog never had it or more likely the owner is a f***ing desperado.

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