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It's essentially the same as hibiscrub, by a different manufacturer. Great antiseptic to have - I use it on all skin wounds/sores/nicks/rashes etc to clean things up. I use it dilute, and rinse in clean cool water after. If you give a wound a good clean with it using cottonwood, it froths a little, and if it isn't rinsed can ( not always, but sometimes) cause a rash on it's own.

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It's essentially the same as hibiscrub, by a different manufacturer. Great antiseptic to have - I use it on all skin wounds/sores/nicks/rashes etc to clean things up. I use it dilute, and rinse in clean cool water after. If you give a wound a good clean with it using cottonwood, it froths a little, and if it isn't rinsed can ( not always, but sometimes) cause a rash on it's own.

It was shelved next to the hibiscrub. And was £3 less, so kind of thought it was of similar content. :thumbs:

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