shell 42 Posted July 27, 2007 Report Share Posted July 27, 2007 Well said ferret15. I've been holding off replying to this thread for a while now... but some of the comments made have really wound me up, so now I'll have my say. I'm of Ukrainian descent, and my grandparents came over in the late 40's, to escape to shite and tyranny that was Eastern Europe at the time. They grafted hard all their lives over here to put food on the table for their family, paid into the system, never claimed a bloody penny. They reared and educated their kids (my parents and aunties) who have all got good well paid jobs. I have been brought up English. But I can speak, read and write Ukrainian. I respect my Ukrainian culture just as much as I respect my British culture. My 2 year old daughter can say words in both English and Ukrainian. Malc and I got married in the Ukrainian Catholic church, our daughter was christened by the same priest that married us. You really couldn't meet somebody more of an englishman than Malc. Born and bred in Yorkshire, lives, breathes and sleeps hunting, dogs, and is a professional huntsman. You can't tar us all with the same brush. Eastern Europeans are not Asians. Most of the older generation of Ukrainian, Polish, Yugoslavian etc, families refer to the newly arrived Eastern Europeans as 'imports', and want very little to do with them - For fear of them damaging the reputation that they have worked hard for. After all, the Anglo saxon race is such a mixed bag anyway that Britain has been invaded by pretty much every European country at some stage and has absorbed more races than enough. Why the hell should I go back to the Ukraine? Should Prince Philip go back to Greece? And the rest of the Royal Family go back to Germany and Holland? As thats where they descended from. Shell Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stevesel 18 Posted July 27, 2007 Report Share Posted July 27, 2007 My grandad died fighting so your people would have somewhere to go,how come nobody wants to leave? Ive seen schindlers list and i know a bit about history, why is it all the non asians want to say "were not asians" it dont matter where your from just where your going, nowhere i expect. As i have said i do not believe in racial purity as such and do not beleive that the brits are any better than anyone else, all im saying is dont come here.By the way did anyone see the documentary the other night that showed blacks and asians saying "dont let the foreigners in we dont want them" they werent so keen on having the door shut when they wanted to come in. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Macnas Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 Stevesel One minute you say Hitler had the right idea about the Poles, and that he had good ethnic policies, and the next minute you say you do not believe in racial purity as such. Make up your mind mate, you're either a nazi, or you're not. The question isn't about the Brits being better than anyone else, it's about immigration policy. You want all non-Brits to leave England, you've made it very clear, but you haven't answered my question yet, and never mind Ireland, do you want every single British ex-pat to be made leave whatever foreign country they happen to be living in? I mean, quid pro quo and all that eh? I doubt you know what defines being British, I doubt you recognise that often words and deeds make up the most of our nationality, rather than our bloodline and ethnic background. Here's a puzzle for you Steve, I had a greatgranuncle and greatgrandfather who spent thier young lives fighting British soldiers here in Ireland, and I also had 2 greatgranduncles die in the D'ardenelles, for the British empire. Who was British, and who was Irish? Apply your nazi logic to that. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ferret15 0 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 My grandad died fighting so your people would have somewhere to go,how come nobody wants to leave?Ive seen schindlers list and i know a bit about history, why is it all the non asians want to say "were not asians" it dont matter where your from just where your going, nowhere i expect. As i have said i do not believe in racial purity as such and do not beleive that the brits are any better than anyone else, all im saying is dont come here.By the way did anyone see the documentary the other night that showed blacks and asians saying "dont let the foreigners in we dont want them" they werent so keen on having the door shut when they wanted to come in. the older generations don't want to go because this IS there home. they had to leave everything before and some of these guys had land and large houses that had been handed down through generations and it was taken from them with no compensation can you prove that you are British ? if we were to look back through your family history and found that you are not in fact British would you give us your home and money and f**k of back where you came from even if you have never been there ? like macnas said do you want every xpat sent home what about all the Australians we sent there ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,535 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 I think by bringing little things like world wars into the conversation is kind of getting away from the subject....of course you cant go by the book when it comes to extreme circumstances like a world war and no of course nobody would feel the need to want to send back to their country of origin situations like the lad aboves gr father found himself in.... that still doesnt make him british but of course in extreme circumstances provisions have to be made. I think what pisses most people off is we are not in a world war at the moment,or anything like the extreme circumstances you are talking about ...we have a choice at the moment, a very simple choice,do we stop allowing the worlds problems to come to this small country causing its own people do become second class citizens,or do we allow to come here any and everybody who wants to ? Talking about racial purity and nazis is going to extremes that dont need to be gone to....basic commonsense is enough....if all this shit was stopped now and repatriation offered to those that dont belong here through basic origins(in other words the mistakes already made) there is a chance that britain will maintain its own identity and secure mine and your childrens and gr childrens futures as british people.....let it go the way it is at the rate it is and the only thing we might be able to hold onto that is british is its name,and i wouldnt even bet on that ! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 DS you answered that yourself mate (invaded,by force) they invaded,we fought,we lost. The modern invasion is a bit sneakier, the government lets them in,we give them money and they're gonna breed like rats till we're outnumbered in our own country . Then it'll REALLY kick off' might be 10 years might be 110 but it will happen imo, I'm pretty sure they don't mind waiting as long as it takes to get a result,basicaly, unless somethings done soon,we're fecked Spot on mate. On all counts! Yeppers; I was aware of the 'flaw in my own "arguement"', even as I wrote that one. Truth to tell, I'm so enjoying this thread I like to play devils advocate now and then, just to cheer it on from the side lines! But as to the rest of what ye say? Well; What a f*ckin shame my other, MEGA Post vanished! Jesus F*cking Christ, did I lay it on in That one! Pissed as a hand cart I was. Just sat here and let go! Like Chris Jones suggested; I really should self preserve some of my 'better' stuff! But what ye've just said there is exactly what I was raving about. Only I followed it through and finished the job, as it were. Pointed out where it'd all likely end too. Might've scared myself to f*ckin death too ~ like it seems I did the tight lipped Moddies? ~ only I doubt I have ten years left in me, and Eire will hold out that bit longer against islam yet. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 Imagine, you'd have to take Ditch back and all.... Ever read Tolstoys " Victims of Yalta ", mate? My mates brother was posted to guard the 'White' Russians who were being forcibly repatriated to Uncle Joe's Happy Land by the brits. He saw, first hand how those poor b*stards responded to that impending fate. Me? Back there? In a f*cking body bag, maybe. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
RatSnatcher 0 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 Hi ditch................ I think you should come back to Gosport mate, Its a lovely place mate Ps, I got my weatherwear strides mate Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Simoman 110 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 I truly despair when i see some of the comments posted on race, on here. Do you not realise, your grandfathers gave their lives, in opposition to the views some of you make? All men are born equal. My grandad passed away 5 years ago, he was with the soldiers who stormed Normandy and was with the Americans when they went into Belsen, told me about the atrocities he witnessed, mass graves full of men, women and children. How anyone can agree with the radical Hitler sh*t is beyond me............. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
nelson 0 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 I lived in Germany for 9 years, feckin great place, nice food, beer and lovely ladies. The kids at school visit the concentration camps, i went to Belsen one day for a look round. Let's put it this way, i nor anyone else there could speak let alone take the piss It's hard to describe in words but imagine a sterile place, fields thats all with a few mounds and plaques stating how many dead are buried in that on spot. No birds, no rabbits, no insects not even a fly. No sound and an erie feeling that something very bad, as indeed it did, had happened there. I looked around at the kids from time to time and the shock on they're faces was incredible, very moving and they're education system sends them there to learn. Several hundred people and not a sound. Several hundred teenage school kids, not a smile or a grin. Very moving and certainly brought a tear to my eye. Now before someone wants to glorify Adolf Hitler some more, i suggest they get on the Ferry to Hamburg and set off down Auto Route 1, come off near a place called Schneverdingen/ Soltau and go to Belsen. I dare you, i feckin well beg you to go there and take the piss out of the dead.Take some beer, maybe wear your teams football shirt and go and tell the people there that it was what those poor b'stards desereved. When you've been and sorted the world out, then come back and put a post on with a few pictures and tell us what a good trip you had. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Simoman 110 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 Brilliant post Steve Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JDF Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 here here,i watched a documentary once about the death camps,were it hit home for me was the warehouses piled high with spectacles and shoes of those poor souls.really brought the numbers to life. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Stabs 3 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 Hitler was a dick.....but he or the nazis has got f**k all to do with what we are facing today. Anyone who uses the "nazi" card is using a knee jerk reaction. Most people wouldn#t know National Socialism if it bit them on their arse. A redundant argument used by people who are unable to shout their own corner. Lazy arguments from tired people Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stevesel 18 Posted July 28, 2007 Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 I GIVE UP this country is f****d if you wog loving people are typical of the voting public,DS i think you did the right thing to become an immigrant,stay there. LET EM ALL IN black white brown and yellow all welcome here,my house is your house and all that. The real problem is that all the johnny come lately people have more say in this land than the indigineous population. Im converted to your liberal minded socially acceptable views and will never complain about the stinking b*****ds again. VOTE LABOUR VOTE BLACK VOTE FOR THE HARD WORKING TAX PAYING EASTERN EUROPEANS TO COME AND TAKE WHAT YOU HAVE PAID FOR ALL YOUR WORKING LIVES LONG LIVE SUCH A WONDERFUL MULTI COLOURED SHITHOLE Where incidentally you are a criminal if you hunt the pretty little foxes and hares. Little by little our birthrights are being chipped away OPEN YOUR EYES Quote Link to post Share on other sites
poacherjim 0 Posted July 28, 2007 Author Report Share Posted July 28, 2007 i was talking to a black guy the other day and he said he was emigrating to Australia and that he had sold his business and was ready to go once all the paperwork was signed, i asked him why and his reply shocked me! he said this country is f****D due to all the paki muslim scum that are here. his answer and i said why what are you ? he turned to me and said IM NOT A PAKI!! (well i didnt know) he said that he was brought here by his parents from india when he was 18mnths old and that he classes himself as english he said that if someone enters this country they have 2 choices which are either be british or F**K off. he says he gets all kinds of shit cos of the bombings and is pissed off with it he said that if we dont get a grip we will be taken over by the dirty, smelly,freaks which are here with our permission, in our country these were HIS words not mine i must admit that this guy was unbelievably racist and i think he would join the BNP if they would have him Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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