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Guest bruno527

When in Rome , speak asa a Roman...when in England speek English ...& so on..


ALL British citizens , should proove there citizenship..

This could be done in several ways


1-Permitted ONE passport to proove ,you meen well (not 2 as some do, to abuse the european laws)

-any one with 2 should have there uk passport revoked!!-


2- Compulsory 18 mth (volantary option to do longer) national sevices (army/navy/air) from 18 yrs of age & refresh the skills every 2/3 yrs for 3 month ,as the euopeans do, up to been 30yrs of age.


3- The local english/christian comunity have No.1 rights ,traditionally as they have for the last 100's of years


4-All British VOTE, for there preference.. (any one not voting to be punished!!)


5-Any traitor not supporting the country that,fed,educated,comfroted & emplyed--HUNG AT DAWN!! :big_boss:



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  ferreter_joe said:
Thats the biggest pile of shit ive ever read in my life.


1. they're stealing all our jobs

2. they send half their money home

3. they're lazy

4. It dangerous having them working in an enviroment where machinery and tools are everywhere yet they dont speak a word of enlgish

5. they're stealing our housing

6. they just dont belong here, it makes me sick to even think of polish children being the norm in ENGLAND


send em all back i say


This is all the same sh!t my family used to hear when they come from Ireland.


1) If they (the Poles) are stealing our jobs then thats down to the greedy English gaffers who want to save on a few quid, and put money before loyalty, you cant blame the Poles for picking up some work where they can find it.


2) Have you ever worked abroad? I know lads that have worked and earnt ALOT of money in Italy Germany Spain and America to name a few places and all have sent money home!!!


3) BWAHAHAHAHA give me a f*****g break, Lazy!!! What a load of sh!t!!!!! if they were lazy and didn't get the job done then they wouldn't get the graft!!! common sense just tells you that.


4) That is the only thing I agree with!!! if someone cannot communicate in English then they shouldnt be on site, but I'm yet to meet a Pole who hasnt been able to understand me.


5) Stealing our housing!!! have you not seen how most of these workers are housed up in over crowded PRIVATE RENTED accommodation. If they do take council housing its always taken in an area where there is next to NO white people, the places where most whites do not want to live.


6) If a kid is born and raised here but comes from a Polish family, has English as his first language, and lives as we do, then wheres the big problem? I realy dont see where the problem is? The kid will be no different to the 5 or 6 other scally's you'll see him hanging about with. I'd understand it if it was the same as what some Asian's do, where they want to turn parts of this country into something other than it is, but from what I have experienced that just isnt the case with the Poles.


Would you not consider me British/English with my parentage that comes from Ireland? I can assure you I live no differently to what your average English person does.


Ratsnatcher I agree with you mate, its all in the attitude. Theres a difference between immigrants who are coming here to work hard for a living and those Immigrants that want to come here and do f**k all and have us change our way of life to suite them.

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Guest foxtrack

polish bricklayers are working for £5.00 an hour in south wales at the mo.

the welsh boys get about £14.00 an hour.there's loads of bricklaying jobs for the poles

but not many for the welsh lads it aint hard to work out whats going on is it :no:

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  ferreter_joe said:
Ok your right it's ok for the polish to come here :D i hope the same applies for all the paki's and nig nogs who want to take residence. If you've never met a pol who cant understand what your saying you cant have worked with many. I'd say at least 80% of those i work with cannot communicate in English.


Even if they are living in rented houses it's still a house which an brit could have lived in. It's not like we dont have people living in poverty and over crowded places is it.


F**K em all off i say.


Joe :D


I say f**k off anyone thats not willing to become British and live by our values. Anyone who is and is willing to work hard even for shit money I dont mind as long as they pay their way, their taxes, and dont try to change this country into something other than what it is.


I've seen Poles walking about the town centre who dont appear to understand English, but I'ev never met one in a working enviroment that does not know who to speak our language.


And as far as the housing goes, if its private accomodation then the landlord will gladly take rent off an English person just as they would a Polish person, its not like they're getting privelege over English people in that respect.


The Somalians, Iraqi's, and Africans do get privelege with council housing round here, that right winds me up as they shouldnt be here claiming asylum anyway. The Poles dont get as many favours done for them as what some other so called Asylum seekers get and are often kept in very cramped over crowded conditions.

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Guest bruno527

There don't be seem to be any problem with EUROPEANS, been pole,italian,irish,slovaks or what ever ,if they work,good on 'em they (they deserve more) & pay tax & contribute to the system, which helps there needy poor/retired/health etc etc....as all EUROPEANS should to there STATE (EUROPE) thats us!! :victory:


The NON-europeans (ASIANS) don't contribute what so ever, they abuse there nationality & say they are, British/Europen when suited!!! NOT when it comes to contributing!!! :thumbdown:


'why are they (ASIANS)all taxidrivers/shop keepers/generally self employed??'


keep thinking about it !! :clapping:

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My experience of poles is that they are willing to do tasks that british people would feel beneath them. For example I know of poles who pick up litter from around the edge of a waste disposal site for a living. I know one of them used to be a security guard over in poland and worked enormous long hours in a dangerous job (he had to have a gun at all times) and is paid better living here and being paid minimum wage to pick up litter. What gets me is the fact that he works for an agency charging around 20 quid an hour for his time and his colleagues yet the poles themselves get about 5.50 of it.


Its the agencies fault and the other people who employ poles at rates that british people cant afford to live on that are to blame. Not the people who take the jobs.


Another example I used to work in a well known national bike chain and once worked with a polish man called Paul. Honestly this guy was really clever when it came to bike mechanics but the other thing about him was that he would never stop working. At 5 minutes before finishing time on a friday night we would all be talking about how drunk we were gunna get that night etc wheras paul would be trying to find things to keep him occupied for the last few minutes, like sweeping or dusting or emptying bins in all the places we normally left out such as thru in the warehouse etc.


So thats my experiance of poles and like I say I feel employers are to blame and not the polish.


But when it comes to the certain other minorities dont even get me started. Seriously my blood boils just thinking of how much certain minorities are bleeding this country (britain) dry.

Edited by gibby
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IT does'nt matter if your a pole a chink or a fecking asian their is no room for anymore people the country is to small to hold and sustain more humans, you can only pack so much into a box before the arse falls out it.

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What I cant understand is what are all these Paki's supposed to be running from and seeking asylum, they seem to come and go as they please, and return to india and paki'sville once they have been given asylum....whats all that about :no:


How do they get started in business? its hard enough to get a business going if you are british how do they do it.......


3 strikes and they are out would be an easy policy for the government to implicate.instead of banging them up and costing us more money..... :yes:


why do we let them in when they dont have any skills.......they travel all the way through europe no country on the way wants them so why do we have to. we are full of these sponging feckers,,,,,maybe if we didn't have so many of them

then we may be able to give the state pension to every one who had payed there stamp in the future :big_boss:

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  gibby said:
My experience of poles is that they are willing to do tasks that british people would feel beneath them. For example I know of poles who pick up litter from around the edge of a waste disposal site for a living. I know one of them used to be a security guard over in poland and worked enormous long hours in a dangerous job (he had to have a gun at all times) and is paid better living here and being paid minimum wage to pick up litter. What gets me is the fact that he works for an agency charging around 20 quid an hour for his time and his colleagues yet the poles themselves get about 5.50 of it.


Its the agencies fault and the other people who employ poles at rates that british people cant afford to live on that are to blame. Not the people who take the jobs.


Another example I used to work in a well known national bike chain and once worked with a polish man called Paul. Honestly this guy was really clever when it came to bike mechanics but the other thing about him was that he would never stop working. At 5 minutes before finishing time on a friday night we would all be talking about how drunk we were gunna get that night etc wheras paul would be trying to find things to keep him occupied for the last few minutes, like sweeping or dusting or emptying bins in all the places we normally left out such as thru in the warehouse etc.


So thats my experiance of poles and like I say I feel employers are to blame and not the polish.


But when it comes to the certain other minorities dont even get me started. Seriously my blood boils just thinking of how much certain minorities are bleeding this country (britain) dry.




Good man Gibby, I agree completely!


Rat Snatcher - The Cha Cha's from India and Pakistan arent Asylum seekers, we've got our fare share of them from our goverment giving them British passports to come over and take on all the cheap labour years ago. Now they have established themselves here they get married to women from their native countries and bring them all over here, plus their kids (if they're not born here) and other familie members get a shoe in the door aswell because their relations are over here.


I know of drug addict girls being paid to marry men from Pakistan and countries from around that way just so these Blokes can set up here and get their British passport! Then after a few years, they get divorced (whilst still keeping their British passport) then marry a woman from over in their native country then bring her and her mom etc over here to live.


As far as Asylum seekers go, they all tend to be Iraqi's and from parts of Africa around these parts these days, We should have no asylum seekers in this country that come from any where other than North American territories and Europe. From what I was told, international law says if someone is seeking asylum then they should do so in the next safest country they come across, and should not seek asylum in no more than 4 countries away from where ever it is they come from.


So all your Somalians etc are here illegaly full stop, only our government are full fo shit and wont tell us that.


Theres a big difference between asylum seekers and what we have in the Polish that come here to work.

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