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Well it doesn't surprise me at all. I've known of Asian's doing worse to a 15 year old girl for giving them the verbal after they were screaming shit at her of a sexual nature. I dont tar everyone with the same brush, but with the Chacha's it seems the majority of them act in this stereotypical way, its not my fault or anyone elses that has noticed it, its the way it is.


All races have stereo types pinned on them and for good reason most of the time I think, including us who are white.


PoacherJim, the only reason they carry on the way they do (as if they're untouchable) is because too many people are willing to let it slide and would rather report it to the police these days. No one wants the trouble lol.


That isn't realy how I'd advise on dealing with it if I'm honest, because they will continue to take the p!ss, I know this because I've seen it happen. Getting the law involved over something like this will not deter them in any way. In short they realy do need a good f*cking leathering, but then you've gotta be up for them coming back with a firm because its always the way.


You dont have to put up with it, just get a couple of heads together and lash them out of it, if you're not up for that then you may have to put up with this sort of sh!t.


This doesnt just go for Asians either, if you allow any young wanna be gangster type shit heads get away with this sort of behaviour they'll think they can do as they please.


Two lads I know one 16 and the other one 19 (one of them my birds cousin) were stabbed by Asians recently. These are teenage lads who aren't realy the type to look for hassle, but were stabbed by Asian blokes in their 20's over trivial things. It's not on, and tbh we're to blame for letting this happen because alot of us have become complacent and it seems alot of us would rather go screaming to the law rather than handle it like it should be handled.


Call these methods old school, but thats what I think anyhow.


Oh yeah and my birds cousin not only ended up in hospital real ill through this stabbing, but also caught a dose of one of them Hospital super bugs aswell :angry: which I surpose is another debate for another thread.

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  oneredtrim said:
A parcel of councillors & Police had to attend a shop on Moston Lane in Manchester last week that had a sign in it's front window declaring "No Whites" ....after numerous attempts had been made to have it taken down.


Then why aren't the whites from that area doing something about it?


Have we realy been reduced to this shivering, gutless bunch of useless wasters who are good for nothing but paying taxes it sounds like we've turned into?

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  Pipey Magregor said:
  oneredtrim said:
A parcel of councillors & Police had to attend a shop on Moston Lane in Manchester last week that had a sign in it's front window declaring "No Whites" ....after numerous attempts had been made to have it taken down.


Then why aren't the whites from that area doing something about it?


Have we realy been reduced to this shivering, gutless bunch of useless wasters who are good for nothing but paying taxes it sounds like we've turned into?


Unfortuneatly Pipey it look's like we have been reduced to exactly that, you can't even look the side the c**t's are on without being racist scum, i don't mind the tiddly wink's or the coloured,s but the elephant washer's make my shit itch, arrogant, ignorant no other race exist's stinking shite-hawk's. Pwhoo, nearly went into one there, :laugh:

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  Macnas said:
But it's tough being tarred with the same brush when you are guilty by virtue of nothing more than accent and race.


Very true :yes:


By the way i never, and i don't think anyone else alive in Britain at the moment starved any one out of Ireland , stole they're spuds or shipped them to Oz. :thumbs:

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Guest ceredigion bull cross
  john b said:
Now lads - I know that this is something on which feelings run high and the views expressed so far are probably quite common across the UK. Even mainstream politics is starting to talk about 'integration' and 'Britishness' being the aim and less emphasis on 'multi-culturalism'.


However, as things stand there are very strict laws in racism in this country. I would hate for any of you guys to give any of the anti-hunting watchers an opportunity to take you down by other means.


Please keep post factual and keep away from the name calling :thumbs:


the FACT is ..........all MUSLIMS born here or not need to be sent back to there NATIVE land the sooner the better :signthankspin:

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Well Islam for them comes before anything and is a strict code they live by and will die for. Forget about being British or English, Scottish or Welsh if you're a Muslim because thats all insignificant when put up against Islam. They're Islamic before anything else so I wouldnt expect any loyalty as far as patriotism goes.


I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, as I dont intend to, but I haven't got much time for Religion realy. I wouldn't slate anyone for believing in god or being part of a religion but it just isn't for me and with all the bother Religion has brought about over the thousands of years of human existance, I just think its more hassle than its worth if I'm honest.


When it comes to race! (not religion) then thats completely different and I unlike many of the lads on here DO consider people of different colours to be British! I think Black Harrold off the Halifax adverts or Trevor McDonald have as much rights to call themselves British and deserve all the oppurtunities to work and do well for themselves in this country than what any white British person does.


I'm half Irish my Dad was an Irish immigrant as was my moms Nan aswell, and I would never deny that I am half Irish, My last name is a very Irish name and I wouldnt in a million years Anglicize it for love nor money! thats me and thats who I am. But!!! I consider myself British but of Irish heritage ( if that makes any sense to you's lot ). I've been born bred and raised in this country, I'd defend this country and love my country, I've not even been to Ireland since I was very young and if anyone asked me where I am from I'd say I'm from England and am proud of it.

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It was on the news today and I know a quite a few lads on here are from Southampton that 1 in ten :icon_eek: are polish in Southampton not to mention Pastini's and that is just the ones they know about :no:


You only have to watch crimewatch to see where the bast4rds are coming from :thumbdown:

Edited by RatSnatcher
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  RatSnatcher said:
It was on the news today and I know a quite a few lads on here are from Southampton that 1 in ten :icon_eek: are polish in Southampton not to mention Pastini's and that is just the ones they know about :no:


You only have to watch crimewatch to see where the bast4rds are coming from :thumbdown:


If I'm completely honest I havent got much against the Polish, infact I dont mind them at all. I reckon for those of them that stay here, and raise families here, you wont realy know the difference between the next generation of Polish kids that are born here and your typical British kid.


It's like with kids from Irish families, you dont know tend to know they come from Irish families until you hear their last name, it'll be the same with the Poles I think. And its not like they're so completely different to us either, they all tend to graft hard, their moral make up tends to be along the same lines of ours, and bar the language barrier I realy dont think they'll have a problem becoming British citizens.


They're not looking to turn Britain into little Poland or anything, unlike some other immigrants we have here, who refuse to adapt to our way of life fully.

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If half the pond life we had in this country wanted to do the hours and work that some of these Polish, Russian etc lads do......they would have the jobs and not the incomers...........you should see some of the twats I have turn up for work (when they can get out of bed)............I just feck em off.............makes me ashamed to be English.

If a bloke is prepared to do the work and put in the hours..........why shouldnt he get the job in front of some baseball cap wearing, tracksuited twat who can hardly string together 2 words of English themselves..


Point 4 I agree with...........its dangerous.


Point 5.............why do we have a divine right to a house?..........pay for it, like everyone else has to I say.

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Maybe if they made some of the benefit scrounging Bast***s (British that is) take jobs, then there might not be as many immigrants here. 92,000 Poles came here and got jobs but we've got 500,000 unemployed and God knows how many on the sick wih piss all wrong with them. Speaks volumes.

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Guest Macnas

There are lots of Brits here, I work with them all the time in my line of work.


They come over here, pick up some work, get the money and when the work dries up they feck off back home.


Nothing wrong with that, I've done the same myself in London manys the time.

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  ferreter_joe said:
They do have a right to a house, in their own country. How do they deserve a home in England before an English person.


Joe :D



Absolutely true.....what do we owe them or any other foreigner....we owe them nothing,we should not be the soft touch that the whole world can feel free to rely on....our government puts being everyones best friend and all this multicultural integration bollocks in front of their own people...personally i dont want to integrate and as a reasonably intelligent human being living in a free society am i not entitled to say what i do or dont want,well apparently not,if i dont like it im a racist...racism is against the law ! so for speaking freely i am a criminal ????

in some ways you cant blame these foreigners if we as a country are daft enough allow it,but never forget....it is exploitation at its worst,these people come here to exploit our country not embrace it !


The only way i see as going in the right direction is with the BNP...ok,in many ways they are nowhere near ready in any way to run the country,but their general beliefs and priorities for me stand way in front of anyone else and lets face it,most of this countries problems lie at the feet of the amount of non white/brits who are bedding down every night living in my and your country being treated equally to me and you...

The bnp,s views on foreigners is in my opinion very realistic....we cant just say " f**k em,send them home "...after all,we got ourself into this mess we have to get ourself out,and it will cost us....repatriation is a realistic and sensible option....give them X amount of money to take back to their own country to set themself up or at least give them a better life and thats our job done...we didnt owe them in the first place so a little back hander to get rid of them is pretty decent of us all things considered....we wont see a difference in our life time,but hopefully our kids and our kids kids will see a benefit,and will see england and english people for what they are...a strong and proud nation

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Somewhere along the line we have been shit on......


10 years ago we had really worrying un employment figures remember? the social security benefit bill was something always on the mp's speeches.................


we were having trouble looking after our own, So why did we let all the feckers in when we cant afford to keep them........


In the early 90's I moved to london from the southcoast, I got myself a job installing telecomms equipment into residential properties, I used to fit 36 installs a week and do a 60hr wk, Of those 36 installs I can tell you that at least 30 of them a week were pastini's who were sitting at home having fecking cable tv fitted, when I couldn't afford to have the facking system myself, I see how they lived everyday dirty feckers I had full access to there property to carry out my work........for me it was heart breaking to see them sat around smoking pot while I worked my ass off to earn a crust, some of the houses I refused to carry out my work they were in such a state, hardly any of them could talk english at all and were only having the installs done to have zee TV an indian channel, I trained 19 outside tech's in a year up there facking useless the lot of em, :wallbash:


but one day I asked one why they have such a bad attitude?

his answer was that they were getting us back for what our country did to there's years ago :no: I can tell you I hit the roof and when we got to the next job, I told him to poke the cable through the wall, he was on a ladder........I had hold of the other end and told this twat that it was stuck can he pull it back out of the cavity he was tugging like hell then I let go :gunsmilie: he fecking hurt himself and went of in an ambulance.........I got a bit of a bollicking from the bosses but let me tell you it felt facking good :big_boss:


Out of order you may say ............ :hmm:


No :feck: ..........after what he said to me , I could think of a lot more I would of liked to have done to this piece of shit :yes:



Its all in the attitude of the people we are on about here..........look at the chinese respectful and go un noticed never had a problem with one ever...... doubt if you have too :yes:

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