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Why Do People Think That Anyone With A Lurcher Is A Poacher?

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The little village where I live is changing fast.Several large expensive houses have been built over the last couple of years,these are being bought by rich city folk.These people seem to think they own the whole village,but anyway,the other day I was taking my young lurcher out for an evening walk when I met some of these new folk coming towards me.I nodded and said hello,all I got was a grunt and a black look.As I walked on a bit I overheard one of the men say to his wife,'he must be one of the local poachers.' I let the remark pass but a couple of nights later I was in the village pub when the same couple came in with some other posh folk,'oh look,'one said,'there's that poacher chap again,i thought he would have been barred from here.'That was it,'madam' I says i'm sorry to tell you I am no more of a poacher than you are,'but you've got a poachers dog,'she says,I was getting mad now,'this is a lurcher,'I replied 'this one is a cross between a Saluki and a greyhound great for catching rabbits,not every one who owns a lurcher is a poacher,i used to be a gamekeeper and my son is still a gamekeeper and like you we don't like poachers.'The poshies looked abit shocked,but they did have the decency to apologise and now when I am out with the lurcher I even get a wave from them.Great eh. :bye:

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I was just about to reply but saw that you dont like poachers

All the lurcher owners I've ever known were poacher's, so I think these posh folks were not so far off really.

The lurcher has always been a poachers dog, just because a few are now in the hands of people with a bit of privilege or pet owners, doesn't alter the fact, that the vast majority of working lurchers

  On 07/02/2013 at 14:40, LaraCroft said:


  On 07/02/2013 at 14:39, whippet 99 said:


  On 07/02/2013 at 14:32, pip1968 said:

its a wonder they never phoned the police and said you were of out badger baiting :laugh:

what poison do you put down for them......... :hmm:

The people or the badgers !

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