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Respect For The Quary You Hunt

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dont hunt in summer dont kill cubs ,hunt hard in winter when the quarry can bite back hard only way to see what you and your dogs are made of ,dont release quarry thats the control bit done then you shouldnt have to worry about cubs in the summer,to many cub killers dog men or riflemen shit scared og getting wet or cold to many so called dog men scared there dogs might get hurt or jack or both

when keepers shout ..............you have too jump,...........you got to show willing and respect that they shoot cubs and adult foxes through the summer , its there job............obviously trying to move cubs instead of culling is my priority but not everyones..............

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you read so much shite on here from a lot of clowns, with so little respect for the quary they choose to hunt, and would be happy to kill what ever comes across they path, I was brought up to respect

The respect for quarries and seasons is something that is generally passed down from mentor to pupil .Seems to be a few young uns out and about who neither want or think they need tutoring .It is no g

What also must be worth remembering is the flip side of the coin....some lads hunt to see their dogs work and nothing else. Killing quarry is of little interest to them and they get great pleasure fro

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think people need to have respect for people before we talk about animals, if you don't kill an animal as quickly and humanely as poss, you've got issues ,how can any sane person want to prolong death of an animal? people don't give a shit about people that's the problem. That's why WE cannot hunt in this barmy country of Hippocrates . Sorry :-)

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If there's not much about its 9/10 times down to rifles. Your talking about other people and not yourself, if there's nowt were you go your disturbing things to much and the animals your after will get on to this and be elsewhere . If you hunt you will have respect for your quarry! How can any sane person prolong an animals death, or kill young for no reason?are you talking about this tiny minority of unbalanced individuals who don't deserve a mention. Don't waste your time talking about the idiots, good decent people abound in the dog world , that's why we've lied down and been walked over all these years, and our way of life taken from us, we're to nice. Be happy :-)

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the way it works for me is-1 i try and leave anything local alone(but every little wanker with a dog does different)2-if the phone goes and landowner wants rid-then the problem gets removed end off-3.i dont no anyone who has ever given permission say let them run.we would be shown the gate :yes: hitting young on the head isnt always nice-but the little fuckers will be up and about causing shit in no time at all-the only time they run from me is when they bolt and the gun misses- :censored: call me what you want-thats just mho-we all differ.atb :thumbs:

got to quote you on number 3 bobby...you told me that you dug the same one 7 times...now did he slip past you 6 times or did you let him run lol??
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Your post seemed to go the way of diggin, but you did mention pre ban hare courseing and while watching a good course i always rooted for MY dog, sometimes if after a good course a winter hare hit cover or lost the dog so be it, fair play to the hare . yea it might be an unbelievable hare or the dog might have been a bit "off" :whistling: but hay there was never quick slip that one in ! Respecting quarry is

the first rule in hunting... And if a youngster is keen to learn then i would gamble on takin them but dodgy ground i suppose ive never had

my fingers burned yet . important post mate goodun.

i used to hunt years ago, morning, day and night, but shouldhhavennever took no notice of the twat, who'd say didn't you get that or kill thh

T, the anti and the pillock have n comman, both had it wrong

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the problem with you point is you state releasing charlie is unsporting but the act of releasing the red chap was the most sporting act of a terrier man pre ban of course, then you state rabbits are low in your area well snatch the coney is vermin as is vulpa or do rabbits hold a special place in your heart , dont kill for killings sake end a life when its warrented or the needbe , only the opinion of another old twat ;)

i am saying that with rabbits being low in some areas the foxes are eating other more vulnerable species. so maybe think twice before you realise them so you can hunt it again for your own pleasure!!!! is that what you call respecting stuff??.... do you ferret and realise your rabbits? do you catch squirrels in a trap then set them free???? how about the trusty rat you catch them and release them back into the country side? or do you use your terrier to scare f**k out of them dig down into the there home then let them go?????only my opinion....but if the fox dont need getting rid of leave it be .... that in my eyes is respecting your quarry.....so all i am trying to say but you dont understand is dont scare the f**k out a fox if its not needed. you are doing that for your own pleasure.....fox looses home dog could loose its life all for an old boys enjoyment....you think thats respecting your quarry well sorry old boy your definition of respect is a little off the mark.....

i agree snatch if its not bothering anyone why risk the dog or fox being injured,if you respect it so much just leave it be, diggibg it an scaring the shite outa it just for your enjoyment then to let it go an do sane again,dont see respect there.


End of the day a rat is the same as fox or any other animal no difference in killing it just some people think some are nore fluffy an cuddlier than.others animal is an animal jmo

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I think respect for your query, what ever it's is,comes with age,when I was younger I would want to kill everything for the big bags but now a days to let things run for an other day is a better felling ,my son who is 19 is very different .But each to there own happy hunting

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I think respect for your query, what ever it's is,comes with age,when I was younger I would want to kill everything for the big bags but now a days to let things run for an other day is a better felling ,my son who is 19 is very different .But each to there own happy hunting


I'm not sure that respect of quarry comes with the age of the hunter.
According to me, it's a matter of education and era. Here in France, during the 70's the great part of hunters were absolute killers. An important part of the oldest hunters are still "shoot first and think after" (they are responsible for the most part of accidents).
The younger hunters are more educated, they must pass an exam, a training exactly like a driving license. They prefer quality than quantity.
It's a cultural trend.
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