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Respect For The Quary You Hunt

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you read so much shite on here from a lot of clowns, with so little respect for the quary they choose to hunt, and would be happy to kill what ever comes across they path, I was brought up to respect

The respect for quarries and seasons is something that is generally passed down from mentor to pupil .Seems to be a few young uns out and about who neither want or think they need tutoring .It is no g

What also must be worth remembering is the flip side of the coin....some lads hunt to see their dogs work and nothing else. Killing quarry is of little interest to them and they get great pleasure fro

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one the best post ive read on here in a while the problem is that most lads these day seem to think it has to be dead to count we have dug a good number this season that we have let run for another day

then lads are running about bleaming lampers with guns nightvision as the reason they are not getting much sport but in truth they are not much better once its dead you wont get antmore sport out of it


all the best robert

Edited by milliken
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  On 07/02/2013 at 19:45, gonetoearth said:

you might start with cleaning you terriers face or did you want the photo first :hmm:oldfred ;)


i know old red. and both them dogs. in fact i was there when that pic was taken. and you really should look closely at that pic. that little terrier is up on its toes and fresh with a couple of nips. and was no worse for it. ive had a few very happy hours out with this chap. and like him i like to see terrierwork to be sporting . but terrierwork is terrierwork. and the little dogs take the odd scratch. i take folk as i find them and i found old red to be a gent.




the dog in the avatar had a great home and lived well into its dotage in a very good home indeed.


just ignore the winkers. and hello to you and your family sheep shacger :D

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  On 07/02/2013 at 12:12, oldred58 said:

you read so much shite on here from a lot of clowns, with so little respect for the quary they choose to hunt, and would be happy to kill what ever comes across they path, I was brought up to respect the land and quary I hunted, If my lurcher coursed a hare pre ban, I was happy for a good course that give the dog a good run for his money, and also happy the hare got away to run another day, Also with Terrier work, let many of fox bolt, unless they are causing problems for the land owner, I like to walk the land with no dogs some days, and take my time to look around, Last year I sat and watched some fox cubs playing out side an earth, most clowns on here would have gone home for there dogs and mates and killed them all no doubt, theres more to the hunting game than killing. show a little respect for nature so we can injoy it, And pass it on for jenerations to come WHINGE OVER :thumbs:

plenty round our way lie that,no respect for the quarry there dogs or anyone.pisses me off seeing folk like this

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