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Duck Shooting

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I have a pond or two to shoot on. I would like advice on trying to get ducks to come on to the pond as very few about 2 come on it max a night! I have made a duck hide/blind for myself and also I am feeding bread round the edges and trying to get hold of some chaff, barley and wheat! What else can I do to maximise my chances of a decent bag! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Tom

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Start feeding the pond in august,twice a week,make sure theres as little vermin around as possible,continue feeding throughout season, shooting once a fortnight,you dont need alot of food as such,but spread it around the edge's so the birds cant stand in one spot feeding,I like to use a bag of split maize once and a while,as you can see it on the botttom of the pond,and helps you gauge how much feed is going, some ponds flight better on the morning flight, than the night flight sit at dawn and see what come's in, flight ponds are easy to get going,but the birds need to feel safe when they are on the water,


I ended up cutting all the reeds down around one of my ponds, I could not get the ducks into it last yr this yr it has produced well,


The under growth was right to the edge of the water and I found a few runs through to the water edge which I beleive was otter or or fox,


I did most of it in a couple of hours,the back edge I had to spray off as it was too thick for the strimmer,obviously i do not know what your ponds are like but my other ponds are open as in fields,and the ducks had not problems with coming to them,this worked on mine it might be worth thinking about I hope this help's

Edited by 3175darren
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