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Longest Run.

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Plodding behind till the hare eventually runs out of steam...... Not my idea of coursing or enjoyment. All this worship for dogs that take 6 minutes to catch a hare, where does this come from? Serious

Hares definitely vary enormously , I ran the fens twice a week for a few years. On a Sunday morning, half the country was there! Now find a corner out of the way, no one else knew about and the dogs w

To my mind it's a waste of a good hare to kick it out the seat then throw your dog on top of it !

Most peoples' estimates of time are way off: that goes for distance as well. I remember they did a 'guess how far 80 yards is' at Newark Show once. 80 yards being the minimum length of slip in the coursing club in those days. If I remember rightly someone had to walk out and stop when the guesser told them to. Most people reckoned that 40 yards (or less) was 8- yards.


Friend of mine always used a stop watch. Many times people told him that such and such was a 10 minute run: his stopwatch proved otherwise. IMO a 5 minute run was exceptionally long. I'd love to see a verified video of a 10 minute run, because any hares I've seen running beyond 5 or 6 minutes have been knackered: and good January hares at that. Ditto for the dogs: that's unless they were plodders just following a hare round the fens not putting it under any pressure.

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ive seen dogs run untill they collapse and these are fully fit dogs not one bit of saluki in them either :laugh: infact the best bitch i ever saw was the litter sister to my old dog, she through very light framed, the bloke that owned her was one af the varleys (RIP) this bitch caught 32 hares on 32 consecutive days the 33rd was the one where i found her collapsed at the edge of a field in a furrow with her hare collapsed under the bramble not 4 feet infront of her as for the time the course took i have no idea but i semed like ages but then again dont it always, she never did recover fully.

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Skycat, try and get hold of the DVD called fen fever 2, the 11 min run is on there with a dog called rosco, think the dog only stayed that long caus all he did was follow the hare round about 10 to 20 yards behind it most of the time and never put it under real pressure

Plodding behind till the hare eventually runs out of steam...... Not my idea of coursing or enjoyment. All this worship for dogs that take 6 minutes to catch a hare, where does this come from? Seriously, a minute, minute and a half maybe push it to 3 tops is bags of time for a dog to get on terms and outclass the hare. Anything longer is just a plodder.

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ive seen dogs run untill they collapse and these are fully fit dogs not one bit of saluki in them either :laugh: infact the best bitch i ever saw was the litter brother to my old dog, she through very light framed, the bloke that owned her was one af the varleys (RIP) this bitch caught 32 hares on 32 consecutive days the 33rd was the one where i found he collapsed at the edge of a field in a furrow with her hare collapsed under the bramble not 4 feet infront of her as for the time the course took i have no idea but i semed like ages but then again dont it always, she never did recover fully.

"infact the best bitch i ever saw was the litter brother to my old dog"


Was it a dog or a bitch?!? :laugh:

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Yeh I've spent a few years with my phone set on stop watch mode whilst having a race,,, sad eh,,,lol


A good few years ago I was out on the fens watching a puppy comp,,, all sired by the same dog,,, nearly evry race was around the 1 min mark,,, a few up to 2 mins,,, and one i stopped timing after 3 mins as the dog went unsighted .


I have witnessed a few 5 miniuters ,, it's always a bone of contention,, time of runs and distance,,,, distance gets grossly over exaggerated at night,,, 400 yard lamped rabbit,,,, lol feck off,,, you can't see a rabbit at 400 yard

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are the hares on the fens different to hares elsewhere? its been a longtime since i ran a hare(1993 was the last time) but if any of my mongrel lurchers had taken any more than 3 mins to catch a hare i would have been very dissapointed!

Ohhh aye, they are super hares or so I'm told. It's down to the good feeding, game crops etc and all the exercise they get from the plodders

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A top notch hare will take bout 5 mins to be caught I don't care if its the best fast killing dog in the country if it drops on the right hare it will take that long and if it can't stay that long it won't catch it, and a dog that can't kill a top notcher can't be considered to be top class, also I think you have got to know the dog to know how good the hare is because if you see a 5 min run with a dog you don't know you can't assume it was a very good hare because the dog mite be crap and a different dog mite of done it in 2 or 3 mins, like I say got to know the dog to know the hare

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A top notch hare will take bout 5 mins to be caught I don't care if its the best fast killing dog in the country if it drops on the right hare it will take that long and if it can't stay that long it won't catch it, and a dog that can't kill a top notcher can't be considered to be top class, also I think you have got to know the dog to know how good the hare is because if you see a 5 min run with a dog you don't know you can't assume it was a very good hare because the dog mite be crap and a different dog mite of done it in 2 or 3 mins, like I say got to know the dog to know the hare

Good valid points. One thing about the fens, they will show whether your dogs got it or not, no hiding places. Very few places where a hare has to out stamina a dog. Up here, hare gets away its a good hare but how do you know? I've never owned a dog that could do 3 x 5 minute courses so you got to take your hat off. Not that I've ever had the pleasure of seeing them get 3 x 5 minute courses, I just know they wouldn't be able to.

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If a dog cannot catch it in 5 minutes do`s it not deserve to get away :hmm:

The catch at all costs just dont sit right with me.

I can appreciate the feat that is a dog running that long but......

Funny thing is if a lad took his rabbiting dog and let it hunt up he would still be doing well to catch1 -3 yet he would get slatted by the coursing lads.

Ive seen salukis catch 2/3 of one slip end up in another parish but where they any good.

Edited by weasle
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