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Can anyone clear up the law on killing a fox with a lurcher (N'Ireland & Republic) am under the impression that its fine and within the law but am hearing stories of fella being done for inciting an animal to fight, dont know if this is true or just rumors hoping someone with abit of knowledge can clear it up cheers

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ya but try takin him to a vet after hes been bit a few times and the moneygrabbing ba$tards will ring the uspca quicker than you blink theyve went the way of the uspca and 95% are anti hunt

i agree with ya but if stopped at the road side by the psni they are trying to do lads for cruelty to the dogs .thank fcuk i dont bother with em. :thumbs:

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legal to kill a fox with a lurcher that is running, weather bolted or lamped , illegal to allow a lurcher to draw one out or kill one out of a trap or snare

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Every dog man these days needs a good vet that is on side, or at least non biased. Lots of lads getting grief about treating wounds. We all know that minor cuts like the odd bite, is easy tret at home by regular flushing, but there are loads of folk getting grief, and having to prove that veterinary advice or treatment was sought.

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we treat our own whether it be antibiotic injections anti inflamitaries , pain relief , antiseptic flushes and sprays and our puppy injections and even our own skin stapler, it usually covers 99% of ailments that vets charge a mortgage for (weve yrs of experience and were taugh by experiencd dog\greyhound men) obviously if it was life threatening id go to the vet. we also carry 1st aid kits in our vehicles aswell

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