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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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I'm having second thoughts about using round up as been looking on Google and there is a lot of research going in on as it's been linked to cancer and Parkinson's, I don't know how to post the links but if you google it there is plenty on it

I'm going to hire a brush cutter and try and dig out I think see how I get on

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Weather has been crap in the midlands but got my frame up and most my raised beds in now

I dug out as much grass and weed as I could but now it's turned over I can see loads of chopped up little feckers, has anyone on hear tried burning them away as I have a gas bottle and torch I might try on the remaining weeds



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Weather has been crap in the midlands but got my frame up and most my raised beds in now

I dug out as much grass and weed as I could but now it's turned over I can see loads of chopped up little feckers, has anyone on hear tried burning them away as I have a gas bottle and torch I might try on the remaining weeds

You have made some great progress nice one my uncle gives all the small surface debris a blast with a industrial blow torch. :thumbs:

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I'm on shift work for a while so I'm making the most of having the days to myself it's just a shame for the lurchers as they've not lamped all season

I'm having second thoughts about using that frame as a polytunnel as it was only a cheap one of eBay and not the strongest. I might just cover in green netting that the scaffolders use and grow my brassicas in there, is that netting any good ?

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I use it loads you still get the odd thing get in but I wouldn't stand a chance with out it. Need to keep it off the leaves and works well with the blue plastic water pipe. Pain to weed because once sealed around the edges bit of a bind you keep seeing the weeds and putting it off lol. But every now and then I bite the bullet yank it off good weed and back on so worth keeping in mind making it easy to remove or get in.



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Soil was dry enough this evening to get an hour turning over nice too see a bit done




I also had my little helper who ain't that much help and so much for lurchers being quiet lol



digging is a doddle compared to first year I had it







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