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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Corn looking nice johnny. One of mine is starting to brown it's tassels so i think I need to check it for ripeness. Think they are going to come one at a time was hoping for them too all ripen at same time as there is 5 of us

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Corn looking nice johnny. One of mine is starting to brown it's tassels so i think I need to check it for ripeness. Think they are going to come one at a time was hoping for them too all ripen at same time as there is 5 of us

Cheers butty, I got 2 on each plant and a few look like they'll ripen together.


Not sure how I check for ripeness though, do I just rip a ear off and open it up? Can't see how I can open it up to check the kernels without damaging the ear.

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harvesting my spuds. lovely big tasty tatties................... except ( i think) wireworms have drilled into an awfull lot of them, what a waste......what is the recomended wireworm treatment method used by you gardening gurus please. ready for next year. cheers

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1. You should avoid planting potatoes in areas that were recently growing grass, as wireworms are usually widespread in grassland. It is worth noting that wireworm attack is reported to be worst in the second and third year after grass, so five years without grass is preferable for a wireworm free soil.

icon_arrow.gif 2. Dig, fork or rotovate over your soil once or twice before planting, this will bring wireworms to the surface for collection/crushing by yourself or the birds.

icon_arrow.gif 3. You could set some potato traps in your proposed planting area about three weeks before you plant the seed potatoes. Do this by digging a series of four-inch deep holes throughout the planting area, pop in half a potato, cover with soil, and mark with a stick. A day or two before proper potato planting, you can dig up these traps, which now hopefully contain pesky wireworms ready to be disposed of.

icon_arrow.gif 4. Harvest your potatoes early, as the worst wireworm damage takes place from the middle of August onwards. So, it is worth planting a potato variety that can be lifted as early as possible such as Home guards, Colleen, Sharp's express, Orla, or British queens.


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harvested some nice beetroot, spring onions, parsnips not grown so good think I didn't give them enough space so replanted them further apart see how they go. Mrs usually does tatties and garlic and various herbs. my first attempt to be honest never really made the time before but have enjoyed it so next year gonna do it again with some raised beds and plant more.

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I think my sweet corn suffered from a lack of pollination I did plant them in a block but let them get on with it as we had lots of wind so I didn't intervene and manually do any thing.

We will try again next year :thumbs:





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