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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Do you guys listen to radio2 on a Friday afternoon .. Jeremy vines show ... Around 1.30pm they have terry Walton from the Rhondda on ... The man is very knowledgable ... I hate gardening but he seems to know his onions ... Excuse the pun ........

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Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

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Everything has gone mental here most of the stuff i put in was around a month late but it is quickly catching up..but my onion's are rubbish and some thing keep's flattening them even though they are fenced in..i put it down to the resident pigeon that lives in the garage.. :D











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Every thing looks great there Millet a lot of stuff in little space.


I am replacing my spuds as I go sprouts and kale in here





few pickings from today



shed load of black currants to pick was hoping to just break the smaller branches off and sort at home but mixture of ripe and unripe at the moment.

Could all ways pick them individually I guess I can see a job coming for the kids there

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Every thing looks great there Millet a lot of stuff in little space.


I am replacing my spuds as I go sprouts and kale in here





few pickings from today



shed load of black currants to pick was hoping to just break the smaller branches off and sort at home but mixture of ripe and unripe at the moment.

Could all ways pick them individually I guess I can see a job coming for the kids there

Terry if you cut the fruit baring stalks off the black current bushes, strip them then put in a bucket of water they will root and are viable but will take 2 years to fruit. They fruit on second year growth so should be pruned out after the second year to allow room for this years growth to fruit next year. keeps the bushes compact and gives a better crop the next year.


Another tip I was given for fruit trees when preparing a bed for them fill the bottom of the bed with feathers, they break down very slowly and release nitrogen over a period of years.



Edited by tiercel
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Every thing looks great there Millet a lot of stuff in little space.


I am replacing my spuds as I go sprouts and kale in here





few pickings from today



shed load of black currants to pick was hoping to just break the smaller branches off and sort at home but mixture of ripe and unripe at the moment.

Could all ways pick them individually I guess I can see a job coming for the kids there

Terry if you cut the fruit baring stalks off the black current bushes, strip them then put in a bucket of water they will root and are viable but will take 2 years to fruit. They fruit on second year growth so should be pruned out after the second year to allow room for this years growth to fruit next year. keeps the bushes compact and gives a better crop the next year.


Another tip I was given for fruit trees when preparing a bed for them fill the bottom of the bed with feathers, they break down very slowly and release nitrogen over a period of years.





Thanks Allan I didn't know that I wouldn't mind getting a few more bushes on the go too

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I`m short on space, but my herbs have went mental !


Parsley on everything, my mints have really grown, as has the lemon balm, chives, and sage.


My spring onions have came on a storm, but funnily my carrots all failed.

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Do you guys listen to radio2 on a Friday afternoon .. Jeremy vines show ... Around 1.30pm they have terry Walton from the Rhondda on ... The man is very knowledgable ... I hate gardening but he seems to know his onions ... Excuse the pun ........


I like the way he explains it ...................down to earth .

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I'm having a bit of a go for the kids this year. I've got strawberries and 3 types of tomatoes growing in containers and some carrots planted in a bed. The rate my girls eat fruit though I should get rid of everything else in the garden and just grow strawberries around a couple of Apple trees.

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