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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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The weeds are starting already :laugh:




I really seem to be struggling with carrots in the ground again this year





Any ideas

i think it will be a lack of moisture. Sow them in furrows cover with compost and a layer of vermiculite on top keep watered .You could put a slightly raised sheet/board over the sowed area which will help to retain the moisture. as soon as the first ones come through remove the board. for carrot fly apart from buying resistant seeds grow under fleece or put a 2ft polythene barrier all the way round them.

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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Well I pulled my garlic today some quite nice bulbs. Few small ones so bought them home and few whoppers so they have gone in the for seed section. All spread out on a wire rack in the shed smelling nice :)


Would liked to have given a few more weeks but they started to get rust and I didn't want that getting across onto the onion beds as they will be around for a month or two yet

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A quick question if anybody can help, I've got a new 4 x 4 bed that I've put peas in one side and corn on the other to act as a bit of a wind break is there anything that I can plant through the middle that can go in in the next few days?

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Radish is a quick catch crop, problem is the corn and peas as they grow might block out the light for them and they won't grow properly.



Thats what I was thinking Al, I think I'll just fill up the remainder with some more peas, the kids will eat them out the pod so they won't go to waste. :D

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A tip for you if planting a planter up like yours try and plant the tallest crop on the north side of the planter smallest to the south side. Or plant it up north to south that way they get a share of the best light.


Instead of filling in the space now wait till the peas are flowering then sow the new peas, then by the time they come up the first set of peas will have finished. Then cut the haulms off the first set of peas and leave the roots in the ground as they fix nitrogen in the soil. You can then use that space for something else.



Edited by tiercel
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A tip for you if planting a planter up like yours try and plant the tallest crop on the north side of the planter smallest to the south side. Or plant it up north to south that way they get a share of the best light.


Instead of filling in the space now wait till the peas are flowering then sow the new peas, then by the time they come up the first set of peas will have finished. Then cut the haulms off the first set of peas and leave the roots in the ground as they fix nitrogen in the soil. You can then use that space for something else.



Cheers for that, its a learning curve for me, my spuds seem to be going well though so might some chips :D .

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A quick question if anybody can help, I've got a new 4 x 4 bed that I've put peas in one side and corn on the other to act as a bit of a wind break is there anything that I can plant through the middle that can go in in the next few days?


How about some mixed salad leaves too . You can just cut a few out as you need them and some will even keep growing . A bit like cutting the grass but for the salad bowl :thumbs:

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The weeds are starting already :laugh:




I really seem to be struggling with carrots in the ground again this year





Any ideas

i think it will be a lack of moisture. Sow them in furrows cover with compost and a layer of vermiculite on top keep watered .You could put a slightly raised sheet/board over the sowed area which will help to retain the moisture. as soon as the first ones come through remove the board. for carrot fly apart from buying resistant seeds grow under fleece or put a 2ft polythene barrier all the way round them.




I might just try that ............thanks for the advice :thumbs:

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A quick question if anybody can help, I've got a new 4 x 4 bed that I've put peas in one side and corn on the other to act as a bit of a wind break is there anything that I can plant through the middle that can go in in the next few days?

you could try spinach if you like it. i love it steamed . it does well shaded by other crops so the young plants dont get hammered by the sun thats if there is any sun. :thumbs:

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Mrs RAW had a text off the nieghbour to admit pilfering some rhubarb out of the garden while we were out on the weekend ...............................we'er pretty lucky really because when we got back we were greeted with this.





Very nice too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So from this to this





To this



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That looks nice is it some sort of sponge ? make a change from the normal crumble


Yes , Not to sweet and the rhubarb seems to beep it nice and moist. It does make a nice change :thumbs:


She made some chutney today :D


Those spuds are making my mouth water too , Time for food I think :yes:

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