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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Looking good terry :thumbs: .



Cheers mr wilkes so far so good just a matter of timing now. I got winter veg sitting around in seedbeds and pots waiting for the spuds to get out the way. Not a clue how its going to pan out yet it could all go tits up :laugh:

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Got the beans iin place today


left 3 behind in the back yard for seed


Plenty of root in the toilet rolls I would have planted direct but I was waiting for space. Been eating cabbage like an idiot to free up room



sweet corn planted out too


netted the onions because some thing has been taking the tops off and in places whole onions have gone. I suspect the old corvids maybe.


The slugs enjoy my lettuce too


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Brilliant stuff at that rate you will be able to open your own market garden.. :D ... the bit's i planted have been doing well but the weather as turned crap and slowed everything down..

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Why have you got the milk carton's on the bamboo stick's... is it to stop you from poking your eye out..



Yes that and to support the netting I tend to have them laying around every where so never one far away when I need one

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Im just waiting to put out my beans and cabbage...bloody rain wont stop...i like the idea of leaving some for seed terry...ill try that one :thumbs:

Get them in, I always wait for a wet spell to transplant or sow seeds, it means the nights will be relatively warm and the soil will stay moist to help with the transplanting or germination of the seeds.



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The weeds are starting already :laugh:




I really seem to be struggling with carrots in the ground again this year





Any ideas ?

I have sown carrots in boxes this year hidden amongst the mint, trying to beat the carrot fly. But I have also sown some in the garden and not one has come up, yet the ones in the boxes have done well. Beats me, the only thing I can think of is the soil crusting is stopping them pushing through?


Might try some in the garden and put some of last years compost on top of the sown seeds instead of earth see if that makes a difference?



Edited by tiercel
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The weeds are starting already :laugh:




I really seem to be struggling with carrots in the ground again this year





Any ideas ?

I have sown carrots in boxes this year hidden amongst the mint, trying to beat the carrot fly. But I have also sown some in the garden and not one has come up, yet the ones in the boxes have done well. Beats me, the only thing I can think of is the soil crusting is stopping them pushing through?


Might try some in the garden and put some of last years compost on top of the sown seeds instead of earth see if that makes a difference?





I can mirror that Tc I put a few seed in a pot and they are doing fine...........very strange I even added compost to the soil this year and covered the seeds with it to.


You might be on the money with the crusting because the bottom end of the rows get more sun and that where the seeds have failed on me .

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Funny you should say that I have sowed numerous lots of carrots going back upto 5 weeks and yet to see one emerge. The last few rows I covered in compost in case it was a crust blocking them but I am not hopeful.

My neighbour then just slung a row in and has nice little inch high tops in no time at all. he used the same variety as me too.

Very puzzling going to buy a new packet of seed tomorrow get some good old sutton seeds

Very frustrating as we eat lots so wanted a good few for the winter but at this rate we will be buying them

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The weeds are starting already :laugh:




I really seem to be struggling with carrots in the ground again this year





Any ideas ?



Not really but that rhubarb is looking good would soon make a dent in that :)

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