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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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not much left really, plenty of tatties in sacs in the shed, this is the last of the toms, still got swede and parsnip in mind, also potted some all year round collie the other day so we shall see what comes of that :thumbs:


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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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all dug up here, ready to put the ash from the wood burner and the chicken shit on and rotovate it all back in again ready for next year, then it all starts again lo. good health to you all and you plants :D:blink::D:D


Are you putting them both in at the same time? As I was told lime and manure should be added at different times as each if added together they cancel each other out in benifits to the soil.


Are you putting the ash where you are going to plant potatoes next year? From what I have read it is not a good idea as the ash raises the PH levels of the soil to the detrement of the potatoes.The brasicas will enjoy the ash though.



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Same here im no to sure whats happening but the strawberry barrels are in full bloom and producing cracking strawberry's maybe bigger and better than in July :hmm:

you are still plucking them?

i've had two from late flowers :laugh: bonus really :thumbs:


Aye getting a good few

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all dug up here, ready to put the ash from the wood burner and the chicken shit on and rotovate it all back in again ready for next year, then it all starts again lo. good health to you all and you plants :D:blink::D:D


Are you putting them both in at the same time? As I was told lime and manure should be added at different times as each if added together they cancel each other out in benifits to the soil.


Are you putting the ash where you are going to plant potatoes next year? From what I have read it is not a good idea as the ash raises the PH levels of the soil to the detrement of the potatoes.The brasicas will enjoy the ash though.




I am spreading the whole lot over the whole plot and f**k the consequences :D:D . nitrogen in the chicken shit and potash in the woodash will do more good than harm, chicken shit is getting put on at this time of year for the elements to have a chance of "tameing" the very potent high nitrogen content of the shit.. diluting it almost, otherwise my plot next year would look like Dresden :yes:, after the bombing ...............

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Same here im no to sure whats happening but the strawberry barrels are in full bloom and producing cracking strawberry's maybe bigger and better than in July :hmm:

you are still plucking them?

i've had two from late flowers :laugh: bonus really :thumbs:


Aye getting a good few


must be the weather in Fiji :thumbs:

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well its last of the spuds up today all in sacs :thumbs:

also gonna save some of these for next year they are lovely, not looking but tasty :yes::thumbs:



Pink fir apple JJ? Never tasted them or grew them to be honest. Whats the best chips mashed roast etc with these? :thumbs:

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What variety jj ? you seem to have plenty any way. If I get my second plot I might dedicate it to spuds next year. great not having to buy them and we eat loads. With a spud in the house you all ways have a meal. Only had a few short rows this year but still got few left.

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well its last of the spuds up today all in sacs :thumbs:

also gonna save some of these for next year they are lovely, not looking but tasty :yes::thumbs:



Pink fir apple JJ? Never tasted them or grew them to be honest. Whats the best chips mashed roast etc with these? :thumbs:


pink fir yes, i got these gifted but i'm saving some to replant next year, chips, mash, roast i havn't a clue mate all i did with these was give them a good scrub with the nailbrush ( the wifes ) and chopped them in half for a boil, great with butter, the wife likes them as a salad tatty but i think they are a main :icon_eek: bollocks to that :thumbs:

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What variety jj ? you seem to have plenty any way. If I get my second plot I might dedicate it to spuds next year. great not having to buy them and we eat loads. With a spud in the house you all ways have a meal. Only had a few short rows this year but still got few left.

pink fir as darbo says ( the nobbly ones ) that is but the other that got pulled were carra Tel :thumbs:

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well its last of the spuds up today all in sacs :thumbs:

also gonna save some of these for next year they are lovely, not looking but tasty :yes::thumbs:



Pink fir apple JJ? Never tasted them or grew them to be honest. Whats the best chips mashed roast etc with these? :thumbs:


pink fir yes, i got these gifted but i'm saving some to replant next year, chips, mash, roast i havn't a clue mate all i did with these was give them a good scrub with the nailbrush ( the wifes ) and chopped them in half for a boil, great with butter, the wife likes them as a salad tatty but i think they are a main :icon_eek: bollocks to that :thumbs:


:thumbs: i will give them a try next year.

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