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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Nice one all. Carrots have done badly this year. French Beans have gone well, potatoes and beetroot have been good, Onions i would class as OK, but not wow. Some of tomatoes have at last started to redden, will be eating the first ones this week. 

Cheers. Aled 

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Fairly good crop of Onions this year just strung up the ones from sets. Red Onions bit of a flop really pickled some they are so small, never pickled reds before.


These the ones I grew from seed are to big to string with store in a Onion sack. Seed was planted in December in pots in the bay window. Biggest one 2lb 2oz.



Did really well with spuds in tubs used second early "Nicola and Charlotte". Runners been good but struggling now with watering Carrots okay but 50% forking probably the dry weather, Beetroot good surprisingly, Leeks look okay but of rust on them Lettuce very good but really struggling now. Tomato's and Cucumbers very good but in the green house.

Got problem with Runner beans now Bees and the look like honey Bees going to the back of the flowers making a hole and robbing the nectar without pollinating.

Hose pipe ban soon had no rain now for six weeks maybe more every thing dry and burnt up. Fields are scorched sheep are in the hedges after green stuff they will have to start feeding soon.

Cheers Arry

Edited by Arry
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11 hours ago, Aled said:

Closed a lot off today, got a few leeks left, which i will make cawl with later on in the year other than that...roll on the spring!

Took the runner beans down yesterday got the last few feeds in the fridge. Will put garlic in that spot. 

You got no cabbage or purple sprouting mate?

Cheers Arry

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3 hours ago, Aled said:

Planted some seed tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and French Beans yesterday. Propagator on the windowsill now hoping for the best!

Tommy's coming on well. Onion sets ( Centurion ) I've put in cells this year plus Onion from seeds (Exhibition). Leeks (Lyon 2) and (Musselburgh) this year. 




Put in first six Runner beans (White Lady).


Cucumbers just planted (Merlin) and (Burpless).


As first batch of lettuce (Little Gem) and (Moonred).

Cheers Arry

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