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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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11 hours ago, The one said:

Everything seems to be ticking along nicely the tumbling tom tomatoes even have fruit on them outside the first earlies are in full flowers and somebody said that was the time to give them water as they swell then  

I have harvested about half of my second early spuds in tubs (Nicola) and the compost was like saw dust. I should have watered a lot more mate. I thought they were going over but could have been just droughted. 

I grow second early's because we get a lot of blight here which tends to stricken about the middle of July. So they are harvested before it's about.

Cheers Arry

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

Few bits picked and washed tonight  

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Veg virgin. Bought a few young plants but cant remember what they were. I know I bought 2 varieties of tomatoes. That first pic tomatoes and the second the same but a bit behind or something else? 

Also do they need bigger pots? Grown courgettes, there only small at the minute they going get much bigger or is that it because haven’t given them enough soil? 







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10 hours ago, gaza said:

Veg virgin. Bought a few young plants but cant remember what they were. I know I bought 2 varieties of tomatoes. That first pic tomatoes and the second the same but a bit behind or something else? 

Also do they need bigger pots? Grown courgettes, there only small at the minute they going get much bigger or is that it because haven’t given them enough soil? 







Think you have French Beans in the First photo imo Gaza. The second picture French/Runner Bean in the fore ground with a Tomato behind.

The third picture I would say you might have a Chilly or Pepper plant next to the Courgette which would probably do better in it's own pot mate.

Tomato's in the last picture myself would grow in a pot at least the size of a builders bucket and feed with tomato feed and soon as you see small tomato's forming.

Hope this is some help.

Cheers Arry

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Cheers Arry appreciate that ?. The first pic of French beans are they ok as they are?

I'll split the courgettes on there own and tomatoe in bigger pot.

Courgettes are they going get bigger or have I stunted them having them in small pots! If I pick will they flower again?



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As I’m sure Arry is about to tell you, courgettes have male and female flowers. Clearly the female produces the courgette. In my allotment I allow roughly 5/6 feet between plants as they do go biserk. Try to harvest when about 6/8” long. After that they grow to marrow size very quickly. (Very good in chutneys). Your beans are a mix of French and runner both of which react differently to where they are planted. Runners need to climb but French are quite happy at ground level. Tomatoes are what they are. Some say take away all the lower leaves as they have no potential, only allow 4 trusses as the growing season will not allow ripening beyond that, however, if you start making chutney then more trusses are good with green fruit. Your chilli plant will do it’s own thing from producing green to ever changing coloured chillis. (Plenty of water). You look like doing good so keep at it. Jok.

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39 minutes ago, gaza said:

Cheers Arry appreciate that ?. The first pic of French beans are they ok as they are?

I'll split the courgettes on there own and tomatoe in bigger pot.

Courgettes are they going get bigger or have I stunted them having them in small pots! If I pick will they flower again?



I don't grow Courgettes any more as I'm not that fond of them and as Jok says they can go mad and take up a lot of ground. Big tubs are better as the plant has more to draw on. 

In your third picture I think you have a Pepper or Chili that would probably do better by it's self. I've never grown French or Runners in pots so not sure what results will be but imo bigger pots would be better. Having said that you might damage the Courgettes trying to repot so you will have to weigh that up mate.

Good on you for having a go you will not believe how good you veg will taste against bought.

Cheers Arry


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Cheers guys, went originally just buy a few tomatoe plants from old lady few roads away and then just bought randomly. Left them to their own devices for a month or so even without canes all droopy. Stuck them on top of dog kennel out of the way as dont really have a garden as such for the moment its a building site.

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You’ll see what I mean now pal. On the left side picture all those flowers are male. Unless you have female to go with them they are a waste of space. I think I see some flowers on the French beans so good luck with them. I can honestly say I’ve never grown anything in pots as have always had such a huge garden and greenhouse etc, so can’t really comment. For the future though, reading all the splurge, potatoes in bags, hanging tomatoe baskets and patio pots of chilliest and peppers might be the way to go. Obviously the smaller veg will also be good in pots, lettuce, beetroot, spring onio, radish, some varieties of carrot and of course your herbs. Good luck. Jok.

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Yep. Same all round here. I’ve just this minute diced about 4lbs green tomatoes for the chutney. Same can’t be said for runner beans and courgettes, peas and spuds. Never known owt like it. Jok.

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