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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Just for your information. Tony Glover has the Guinness record for an onion. This little beauty and his pals are from seed from that 18lb11oz record. It has been a pleasure growing them and all thanks to my friend. Jok.

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This topic has been one of the best I’ve had the pleasure of donating to. My love of gardening should be evident with past posts. Some of the guys who respond obviously have a similar pleasure. Keep up with the pics ladies and gentlemen because we all love them, Good eating. Jok.

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12 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

What apple tree is it? You’ve given it a good pruning. 

I really don't know mate. They are very good eating though.

It does look a bit 'sparse' in the photo's but in reality it's not.

I prune back any vertical growth twice yearly and it's been working well. I'm not the biggest apple eater and my Mrs and daughter won't eat fruit or veg unless it's wrapped in plastic, so flattening the tree was more for looks BUT for the past 5 years since doing it, i've had bumper crops. And i'm eating more because they are well within reach to pick. ?

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Got the first plot dug over, it was virtually a weedy lawn after being mostly left to it’s own devices last year. 
I wanted to go no-dig, but surprisingly difficult to get a large amount of manure/compost to form the beds without breaking the bank.

the back 1/3 is designated for hens once I scrounge enough material for a pen, that’s a shed piled up at the back which will become the coop.

the second plot is brand new, I’ll need to spend out for some organic matter here, the builders have scraped all the soil away so it’s just a sticky patch of clay. I’m hoping 4tons 7-8 cubic meters should get me going.

Got a busy few months ahead, but I’m so pleased to have all this ground to go at, got really lucky to get both these plots.



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Excellent, missus has two plots on an allotment, she's gone over to mostly soft fruit now as it's our biggest expense fruit/veg wise as kids can graze there on four varieties of raspberries, strawberry, pine berry, goji , login, Tay , red/white/black/blue Berry's , she's off there tomorrow for some prep....

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