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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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I took a gamble and put my potatoes in the tubs on the 1st of march during a good spell working well just now as ive had to earth them up twice , cant get tomato plants or the 40 strawberry plants im looking for for replacements though nobody has them 

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14 hours ago, jok said:

No mate. I don't use out like that. My garden needs to look like garden not a fairground. Haha. I'll put some pics up next week and you'll see what I mean. Everyone up here is panicking about the frost on Sunday but to be fair, we've been through it all before and still ended up good come harvest. I reckon 1st earlies on June 20th and first pick of runner beans a week later. I've done something as a first. Because I'm on a new allotment in a different village it's best to keep the head down and see what folks are doing around you. Well, all of them grow flowers. So, I've been gifted some dahlia tubers (which are just coming through) and one or two other bits and pieces. I haven't got a clue how to go on but getting loads of encouragement. They seem to like what I'm doing and even had a guy the other day asking if I minded him taking some photographs. As I say I'll put up next week. Happy VE Day. We're having the full do at the Nursing Home with bunting, banners, flags, music, fancy dress, you name it. The residents can't wait. Keep safe you and each on here. Jok.

You stay safe as well Jok. I'm way behind with my runners threw the tubers this year to grow fresh new seed. I had really poor gemination only 25% the rest rotted so ordered new and there all up but behind. still on the plus side I will have a staggered crop. Cut my first Lettuce bit on the young side also first of my Cucumbers (Mini munch) not full grown but nice to have salad. Good luck with the new allotment must be kind of good starting a fresh. 

Cheers Arry

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Yes Arry and Terry and, well anyone looking in. This has turned out better than I expected. We clearly are a bit behind southern climes but still looking good. 

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Yes Terry. The guys thought I was building a bus shelter. Nice though isn't it?  I'll be the first to admit that I put 100% in and reap the rewards. Arry. Although the pics possibly show an easy transition to gardening bliss, this was by no means an easy dig. The ground was a mess and I've spent many hours getting it round. Even now I'm finding problems which need addressing but I reckon it's going to be good. Just today I put in cauli's and more sweet corn in the beds in the pics. Hopefully, as in last years pics, I'll get some nice produce which I'll put up on here. I'ts lovely to interact on here guys so keep it going. Stay safe. Jok.

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Lads here's a question for you have you ever or have you ever heard of preserving Runner beans in salt? Chatting  to my Ferreting buddy about gardening and he is reading an old countryman book who talks of salting Runners and they last a year.

Cheers Arry

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Well Balaur. She has got it right. We all got smashed last night so now we will rely on good old Mother Nature to help us along. No use crying over spilt milk but equally I can't go replanting 14 rows of spuds. My beans were just a shot in the dark and have plenty of back up. Everything else, so far, survived. Stay safe guys. Jok.

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