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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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38 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

The veg patch is starting to come to life now. Plus the new arrivals have started to give some eggs ?



love the colour of the soil and raised beds...........what spuds have you got in............do you ever grow little gems...?

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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37 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

I have duke of York for earlies and mara scrapo (spelling) for main, a few roosters as well but never do good. It’s actually where the old chick run was. Never had little gems. 

sorry meant baby gems.....i eat a fair ammount of salad and use them when i can..............also love pink fir apple when i can get them............the standard varieties out of the shops are ok but i find lack taste...................i miss those yellow flesh spuds that used to come in from cyprus every year....they dont come anymore....

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Hi again guys. Yours truly. Now then I'm after one of them bird scaring kites. Best place?? I've got the granddaughter making a scare crow as a lockdown project but fancy some aerial deterrent. Ideas please.jok.

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My guerrilla gardening patch is doin ok...

Though i think i've lost most my peas to the dust bathers that hang around.

Just got runner beans to go in, butternut squash and pumpkins to go just outside.



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3 hours ago, jok said:

Just bought this little beauty. Took it apart and refurbed it. No more bending for me I say.jok


I would love to see a vid of that working mate. Have you used it yet? and if you have how do you rate it.

I take it that it sort of flicks a shovel full away from you.

Cheers Arry

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30 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

Can any apple tree experts answer a question?? 

We planted 3 apple trees in spring, one of them is starting to blossom, the others are not. My grandfather planted apple trees years ago that are in blossom about 50 yards away. It’s a young tree about 6ft tall, do ye think the mature tree might pollinate the young one and may grow apples this year as there are flowers appearing? 

I think in a nutshell yes. As long as you have others tree regardless of age they will cross pollinate. 

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8 minutes ago, Wideboy said:

Thanks bud, I wasn’t sure because of it being young, but I suppose if the are blossoms then it’s ready?

I wouldn't get excited they take a year or two to get going :)

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Arry. Yes mate the flicker spade does exactly that. It won't take heavy ground or virgin ground because you would only break the spring. They recommend you dig a small initial trench and then just work your way back and forward. I'd say it at least halves the digging time and to be fair I think it will come into it's own pre winter digging. I bought this for £35 and it cost me nowt to do it up. There must be hundreds out there , in sheds, with bereavement nobody knowing what they are and just clearing them out. New, they are over £100. There are a couple of good vids on YouTube which shows you how to go on. Happy days. Jok.

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6 hours ago, jok said:

Arry. Yes mate the flicker spade does exactly that. It won't take heavy ground or virgin ground because you would only break the spring. They recommend you dig a small initial trench and then just work your way back and forward. I'd say it at least halves the digging time and to be fair I think it will come into it's own pre winter digging. I bought this for £35 and it cost me nowt to do it up. There must be hundreds out there , in sheds, with bereavement nobody knowing what they are and just clearing them out. New, they are over £100. There are a couple of good vids on YouTube which shows you how to go on. Happy days. Jok.

Thanks for that Jok might be keeping my eye out for one at car boot etc, if ever they happen again. Did you get a Hawk Kite in the end mate?

I've always had trouble with sparrows on Runner bean flowers, Beetroot and Lettuce. Few things I use is a Potato push a wire through and make a hoop push as many feathers (Pheasant and Pigeon feathers are good) at all angles. Get a 10 foot hazel stick push in the ground at 45 degrees and suspend the potato on a piece of string from the top, the wind spins it all the time. I have even made a big and small potato together look like a hawk by have 2 or 3 feather each side for wings and some stick out back fo a tail and trim to shape. Of coarse old CD disks hanging I sure you use them.

Cheers Arry

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No mate. I don't use out like that. My garden needs to look like garden not a fairground. Haha. I'll put some pics up next week and you'll see what I mean. Everyone up here is panicking about the frost on Sunday but to be fair, we've been through it all before and still ended up good come harvest. I reckon 1st earlies on June 20th and first pick of runner beans a week later. I've done something as a first. Because I'm on a new allotment in a different village it's best to keep the head down and see what folks are doing around you. Well, all of them grow flowers. So, I've been gifted some dahlia tubers (which are just coming through) and one or two other bits and pieces. I haven't got a clue how to go on but getting loads of encouragement. They seem to like what I'm doing and even had a guy the other day asking if I minded him taking some photographs. As I say I'll put up next week. Happy VE Day. We're having the full do at the Nursing Home with bunting, banners, flags, music, fancy dress, you name it. The residents can't wait. Keep safe you and each on here. Jok.

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