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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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On 2 January 2018 at 17:41, jok said:

Eh up Terry, dido and all the rest of the gang. Happy new Year.  Just had a load of old cow muck dropped off so here we go again. I went down this morning for a mooch and  things are ok. The Garlic is going strong as are the spring cabbage. You may remember I asked about setting  pickling onion bulbs in earlier posts. Well. I reckon they may be shallots as all have split into 2/3 stalks. No drama as was only an experiment anyway.  Took delivery of a shit load of Brewers hops which as you know by now, I think a lot of as soil conditioner.  Other than that, Tony, world record holder for heaviest onion, has given me 20 odd plants ready for potting in. Looked at my recently purchased seed collection and going to get in the greenhouse before too long. Checked all my seed potatoes which fortunately don't seem to be prematurely chitting even though the weather is a bit mild. Bit of a question now for you guys. Sweet potatoes. ? Yes or no? If yes how? Next one. Planted my broad beans in late November and they shot up. Do I start supporting them now.  I actually have hundreds of questions but as all of us do, just get on with it. I wish we had answers to blight, Tom rot, split root and all the other ailments but, hey ho, just get on with it. Good harvest for 2018 you guys. I'm sure we will have words in the near future. Jok.

Check out Crimson Crush Tomato and Mountain Magic Tomato mate both suppose to be blight resistant mate shall try one myself this year. I grow my Toms in a green house in tubs sunk in the ground, I put 4" of compost in the bottom then put seedlings in, as they grow I take the bottom leafs off and add more compost like you would do with potatoes till the tub is full, I find you get a better root structure using this method.

Cheers Arry

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15 hours ago, terryd said:

I tried crimson crush on the plot last year and no blight. They did get blossom end rot but that is another issue. Because I can't get there daily the watering goes tits

I went on holiday last year and set up a drip feed irrigation from my water butt, worked a treat. I think its for hanging baskets etc and designed to work off the mains, the tap on my water butt is an old mains one so it just clipped on.

Cheers Arry

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23 hours ago, terryd said:

I tried crimson crush on the plot last year and no blight. They did get blossom end rot but that is another issue. Because I can't get there daily the watering goes tits

blossom end rot  is a calcium deficancy so im told. can be short of something in the soil or not eough water to to get the calcium to the parts of the plant that needs it..

calicified seawead will stop blossom end rot in a plant wattered correclty. if your watering toms every day then your over watering acording to the old boys on th plot..

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Been digging a long forgotten bed over and pulling roots out, can I stick these in the compost heap? I'm guessing that's a bad idea? What if I stick em in a barrel of water for a month, will they die and rot before adding em to heap? 


Also managed to riddle some more soil into my carrot bed




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Why take the risk for something so inconsequensual. Put twitch or similar into compost and all you are doing is adding to misery at a later date. As Above, burn the stuff.  Double dig, get some good muck in and away you go. Jok.

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Yeah fair enough.....i guess I already knew the answer.....iv just got so much rubbish dumped on my plot from the previous owner that it's an extra job. Still got about thirty bags of plastic and drinks cans and numerous bins of broken glass. Feels like an up hill slog this patch 

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Went down allotment to grab some cabbage,decided to have quick tidy up whilst I was free from the kids?

It was pretty tidy seeing as I  hadn't worked down there since I harvested the sweetcorn and sheeted over part of it.

so quick fork over removed some weeds and give the resident robin and female blackbird chance of some food.

cabbage was sown from seeds purchased from real seeds, it's a pick & grow style one.




Edited by forest of dean redneck
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a crazy year. was planted late and stopped it at three trusses, but mid Jan.


This one I cut down and aloud it to shoot up again looking rough but still just going, its mental. 


This is self germinated from a tom that dropped in a unheated green house in the middle of winter. They are stressed though see the stems have gone purple.


Cheers Arry




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1 hour ago, Arry said:

This is a crazy year. was planted late and stopped it at three trusses, but mid Jan.


This one I cut down and aloud it to shoot up again looking rough but still just going, its mental. 


This is self germinated from a tom that dropped in a unheated green house in the middle of winter. They are stressed though see the stems have gone purple.


Cheers Arry




I must be related ,I was stressed waiting outside for stepson to do his theory test,an I got cold and purple ?

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1 hour ago, forest of dean redneck said:

I must be related ,I was stressed waiting outside for stepson to do his theory test,an I got cold and purple ?

Hope that wasn't your helmet.

Cheers Arry

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