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10 hours ago, ryaldinhio said:

Im planning on having a go at this no dig lark. Is it as simple as putting some cardboard down and then covering with 4inch of compost/manure? Is anyone already doing 'no dig'? If so how is it working out. I cant believe it will kill all the weeds we have here but guna give it a go.


Get a nice thick layer of card board down the plan is the weeds are spent by the time it rots away.  I have a few beds on the go. They still get weeds but not as many and easy to keep on top of





plenty of info on the charles dowding web site and youtube channel 

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

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No mate. It's a lot bigger than the one showing on the tube. This thing takes a lot of handling believe me. It grinds down about 16 inches but you have to muscle it along. Beauty is that that the tiilth is like talcum powder. I'll take a pic next time instead of trying to explain what it is. Jok.

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Terry d . What is this all about. No dig. Can't for the life of me see the benefit. What is wrong with old fashioned digging in the autumn. Get rid of all perennial weeds and the problem is solved. We have allotments covered in carpet etc which undoubtably stems the weed growth but to be honest mine is winter dug and there are no weeds showing at all. I still think the old ways are best. Get your local farmer to deliver a load of muck and cover the whole area then come spring just get digging and planting . Simple.jok.

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Have any of you guy ever tried leaving your runner beans in the ground covering with straw and they come up next year. This year I used new seed but I grew the same ones for three years on the trot before that.

Cheers Arry

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Huge problem with that Arry. FROST. No matter what you do the big F will kill your beans stone dead. Stick with potting out your beans in April and then into the ground in May. I might add that some beans are inadvertently left in the ground when you pull them up and surprisingly they get through the winter and sprout, as do many things. Bit risky though with runners. Jok.

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2 hours ago, jok said:

Huge problem with that Arry. FROST. No matter what you do the big F will kill your beans stone dead. Stick with potting out your beans in April and then into the ground in May. I might add that some beans are inadvertently left in the ground when you pull them up and surprisingly they get through the winter and sprout, as do many things. Bit risky though with runners. Jok.

Yea may be milder down here, but I left them in the ground covered with straw for two years, then dug them up put them in a big bucket of peat the next year because didn't want to grow them in the same place and they started to shoot in the shed so planted them out they were fine.  From seed you get one or two shoots but from the tubers you get four or five really strong shoots. That was three varieties Tenderstar, Firestorm and Moonlight I change to new seed this year Armstrong supposed fantastic taste well the jury is still out on that one didn't think was that much better.

Cheers Arry

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19 hours ago, jok said:

Terry d . What is this all about. No dig. Can't for the life of me see the benefit. What is wrong with old fashioned digging in the autumn. Get rid of all perennial weeds and the problem is solved. We have allotments covered in carpet etc which undoubtably stems the weed growth but to be honest mine is winter dug and there are no weeds showing at all. I still think the old ways are best. Get your local farmer to deliver a load of muck and cover the whole area then come spring just get digging and planting . Simple.jok.

I do both and cover all the angles and see what works :)




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Arry and Terry. I must be a thick old twit. Never once had I thought about growing from the tuber. Bit like a dahlia really. Obvious. Well I'm too late this season because they are in the compost bin, which, following Terry's example is really going well.  I might have mentioned earlier that I have a friendly brewer who lets me have all his spent hops which really does make compost a reality. This has really taken off on our allotments and to be honest, once again, it's only going back to basics. As an aside, garlic and winter onions are looking very strong. Jok.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple parsnips out the ground today to go with sunday dinner. Set up a bed trying 'no dig'. Sorted mi compost heap, getting rid of the plastic one and knocked a couple bigger ones up with pallets. Tryna make the most before weather turns for the worse.




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Took over this plot in September. Terrible state..... I should of complained really. Bags of rubbish everywhere, broken glass. It had ducks on it previously and they must of tipped gravel into the mud every now and again so a quarter of the plot is undiggable. The raised beds are full of crushed brick for some reason. Iv dug some of it and am riddling all the beds.  Spent the day getting some muck on it. Hoping another month and I'll have it in shape. 


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