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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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Selection of bad ass chillies ? Took a handful into the local curry house give them to the boss and he cooked me a few dishes with my home grown chillies , yes it was hot but also it was the best Indian we have ever tasted , the difference between real home grown chillies and shop bought and chillie powders was massive


Edited by green lurchers
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Just got 12 point of lay hens for my plots 6 for each when they start to lay I will get rid of the 6 year old birds I have , get them off same man each year and get an egg a day every day well worth the £6.50

Mine have redmite so stopped layin atm. Bit of sprayin and powderin required. Soooo much better than shop eggs.

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Just got 12 point of lay hens for my plots 6 for each when they start to lay I will get rid of the 6 year old birds I have , get them off same man each year and get an egg a day every day well worth the £6.50

Mine have redmite so stopped layin atm. Bit of sprayin and powderin required. Soooo much better than shop eggs.
I use ivermectin for pigeons off eBay for 3 weeks and disinfect the pens twice a year and seems to work well
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Well neck deep in green beans. Freezer full, fridge full, neighbors full. Rumor has it runner bean soup is nice so will try that. Leaving the big ones now to dry and we will try them as dried beans. Bean getting half a black bag at time. They even caused a domestic last week when i got home from work and they hadn't been frozen so I put my foot down. It didn't take me long to do them :laugh:




the big kale plant and cuttings are doing well




found some golden beets today. Been looking at them under the netting and thinking them chards plants are doing well then I noticed the beets today so a bit bigger than prefered




and the compost engine working well



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