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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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If that works ,been down for bit today,I had a tarp down lifted it an had 2 rows of spuds underneath,so unearthed them up the farthest row was near the edge so apart from at an angle are healthy,nearest row was under middle of tarp,an are pale looking I unearthed them up a touch,see if they will take. But of weeding an planted sweetcorn by fence.

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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Now then Sussex me old mate. Maybe, just maybe, you've dropped a bollock. I was having a word with a knowledgeable sage the other night on the subject of sweet corn. His take on things is that you plant corn in fairly close circles to enable you you to 'shake' the pollen amongst the the plants. This enduses pollination and hence a crop. My friend holds the world record onion. Just a thought. Jok.

Oh no ....wait till I tell my old farmer mate he'll be gutted , he's just planted a 20acre square field ...I can see us out there tonight digging it up ... Mind you there could be a difference in your colder climate where they need to huddle together to keep warm , down here we need to get some air round em to cool em Otherwise you end up picking them ready cooked ..

Your mate clearly knows his onions ...but sweet corn ..

I'll keep you updated ..



Sussex, I think I know where Jok's mate is coming from, Maize/Sweetcorn, call it what you will, is air/wind pollinated, so in a garden environment you don't want to be planting them in a row like you would runner beans etc, because if the wind is blowing side on it is blowing the pollen away from the other plants, but I think as you have planted in a block you'll be alright because no matter which direction the wind is coming from the pollen will be blowing into the other plants, does that make sense?

The Native Americans used to grow maize in a system called "The Three Sisters" where they grew Maize, Beans and Squash in circular groups as companions to each other. From what I can gather maize plants were planted in a circle and allowed to establish, when stout enough, beans were tilled at the base of the maize and a couple weeks later the squash were tilled between them. The maize acted as a support for the beans, the beans fixed nitrogen for the maize and squash, the leaves of the squash acted as a living mulch to trap moisture around the roots of everything. As the natives ground the maize down for flour and stored the beans dry it seems the whole group was allowed to ripen completely before harvesting.


Everyone on our plots grow them in a block.some hand pollinate to be on the safe side. i dont grow it dont like the stuff. im sure things will be ok.

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Fecking cucumbers , shan't bother again all skinny Stems , three snapped just looking at them ???

Ive tried mi first cumbers this year got 2 plants survived and doing well. f****n peacocks have demolished mi sprouts....common issue.

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Well after the welcome deluge we had in the south , SLUGS , I'm trying those organic wildlife friendly slug pellets up at the plot , as I love frogs and newts and want to incourage them, so anyhow I've got some seedlings at home , night before last some got hammered . So out I went at first dark last night with the lamp ? And removed all the slugs , ok I chucked them in the neighbours ???. Got up this morning hey presto no more slug damage . So if you are near your plot I'd recommend this method if you've time ,and also a small frog pond , you'd be amazed what actually you can make a frog pond from, but you have to fill it with rain water not tap water, repeat not tap water ,

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One of my plots back 3rd is my hens iv devided it in to 3 runs and put them in a run a week that way they all ways have fresh grass

Iv planted new spuds beet root spinach cabbage onion red onion leeks lettuce,,,,,, think that's all I have in at the mo , on second plot I have artichokes carrots parsnips more beet roots

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Just been down and planted more sweetcorn ,peas,cauliflower,red cabbage ,broad beans I forgot about the strawberry plants I planted out last week they look half dead,so have them a good soak to see if I can save them.

Need to mow path grass and get about 10 fence posts as dividing fence posts are all rotted an broke off.

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well thats the GH planted up ! got the peppers on the staging (27) toms in(20) and the cucs gherkins and aubergines in ,just the brassicas to plant out on friday and a few more lettuce ,radish and spring onions to keep the system topped up then next week (probably away from the frost then) and ill plant out the courgettes,squash and pumpkins and hopefully watch it grow :laugh:



can you upload from a phone on here without using photofoowkit???

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Forgot to say got a chilli plant today,4 courgette,2 pumpkin and wife bought a squash plant.

I got parsley ,coriander and nasturtiums growing in planters and the mint and lovage is trying to burst out the herb bed,

Chickens are laying like the clappers as well 7/8 eggs a day not bad for £1 birds destined to be pet food.

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well thats the GH planted up ! got the peppers on the staging (27) toms in(20) and the cucs gherkins and aubergines in ,just the brassicas to plant out on friday and a few more lettuce ,radish and spring onions to keep the system topped up then next week (probably away from the frost then) and ill plant out the courgettes,squash and pumpkins and hopefully watch it grow :laugh:



can you upload from a phone on here without using photofoowkit???

Take a sreen shot of the pic then go onto full version not mobile and attach ,

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Eh up Devon. How are you pal?. Same as usual this end and everything looking rosy. Took on another bit of ground with the intention of a poly tunnel but if you've followed the posts the FCKG thing went with H. Rosie. All good though and like many on here I struggle with pics so be patient and they'll be forthcoming. Hope everyone is well. Jok.

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sound here jok, good to here positive about you as well :thumbs: id just managed to master the camera and PB but then gone all high teck and got an i phone no less :censored::censored::censored::huh::huh: handy for pics but as for anything else :cray::cray:

at least the garden is almost done now ,been rehashing the workshop with bigger machines the last few months for a change of direction ( back doing what i did 30 years back :thumbs: )

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