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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Well I decided today next time I sow carrots don't do rows a foot apart in drills but maybe up on ridges or singles rows. Because when the weeds take off in the middle you can't hoe for fear of burying the carrots popping through.

Made some room in the green and took some squash up the plot.




in other news some one has been going around stealing rhubarb the scoundrels :nono:

I think the chairman has started interrogations and its only a matter of time before some one crumbles :whistling:


It's alright Terry I hear the Rhubarb thieves are in "custardy" :laugh:




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Few pics of some bits.  

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I don't see why. I do find that under the netting you get a little micro climate so maybe black would catch a bit more heat. Doubt we are talking any thing to major one way or the other though

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Terry. Know what. We think the same. However, if I was a betting man, which I'm not, I bet I could dig a dinner of new potatoes from my first earlies. Now then?? Jok.

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