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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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I think you got the carrot fly looking at pic. What a lovely looking bunch of veg. Fair play. Any big onions? Jok.

Onions just average this year jok i will put a pic up when i lift them.

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Overrun with Courgettes. Planted 10 plants and must have at least 10 courgettes per plant with more coming! Tons of Raspberries and just picked the first Runner Beans. Potatoes are doing well. Damson Plums, Apples and Pears coming along nicely. Pity all the Cherries have been eaten! ;-)

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Went down mine as hadn't been there for a week,my toms plants had withered and gone black, so pulled them up, weeded half the plot, pulled about 4 plastic trugs worth of bind weed off the fence between mine an next doors plot.

Anyone ever get disheartened ? I just not got the enthusiasm for it, I don't know if it's because the lack of time for it or as stuffs failed ,hopefully can get past it and try again next year.

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Went down mine as hadn't been there for a week,my toms plants had withered and gone black, so pulled them up, weeded half the plot, pulled about 4 plastic trugs worth of bind weed off the fence between mine an next doors plot.

Anyone ever get disheartened ? I just not got the enthusiasm for it, I don't know if it's because the lack of time for it or as stuffs failed ,hopefully can get past it and try again next year.



when you start falling behind it can seem a bit much so its important to keep nibbling at it and keep on top I find. I do struggle with time my self since getting the dog. I cycle to work so an hour and a half then I have the dog to exercise morning and night so that another hour to hour and half maybe more ontop of the working day so when I throw a visit to the plot every other day its busy busy lol. But I try and do the bulk of it at the weekends then just harvest and a bit of weeding during week days

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Went down mine as hadn't been there for a week,my toms plants had withered and gone black, so pulled them up, weeded half the plot, pulled about 4 plastic trugs worth of bind weed off the fence between mine an next doors plot.

Anyone ever get disheartened ? I just not got the enthusiasm for it, I don't know if it's because the lack of time for it or as stuffs failed ,hopefully can get past it and try again next year.



when you start falling behind it can seem a bit much so its important to keep nibbling at it and keep on top I find. I do struggle with time my self since getting the dog. I cycle to work so an hour and a half then I have the dog to exercise morning and night so that another hour to hour and half maybe more ontop of the working day so when I throw a visit to the plot every other day its busy busy lol. But I try and do the bulk of it at the weekends then just harvest and a bit of weeding during week days


ive always been very lucky in the respect that the old man has a hr or 2 every day on the plot without him i would find it very hard with work the dog family life etc and i try to put in as much time as possible.i agree terry nibble away let the weeding etc get out of control and its starts to become a chore at times.

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That's th e secret. Control. I have an allotment neighbour who downsized from a full to a quarter plot. She thought that things would be a lot easier. How wrong can people be. The weeds grow at the same rate and need the same treatment all the time. Anyway, I think I'm taking it over to create a propagation unit for all the allotment holders. Kind of like a mini nursery. Choose the seed and variety and I'll grow them. We'll have to see how it goes.jok.

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Made my first batch of horseradish sauce. No tears thankfully, slightly different from normal as in, added some garlic cloves, lemon juice, white wine vinegar and English mustard powder. Tastes lovely and lost the bite. Jok.

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Bit of harvesting today








pulled the onions up they have gone over for a couple of weeks. My mate said he would leave them there to die right off but I was worried they might start rotting as they were in a shaded spot. Some thing else to consider next year




got them in the back yard at moment. Will have to google what next lol. Got some net bags coming off ebay for starters







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Bit of harvesting today








pulled the onions up they have gone over for a couple of weeks. My mate said he would leave them there to die right off but I was worried they might start rotting as they were in a shaded spot. Some thing else to consider next year




got them in the back yard at moment. Will have to google what next lol. Got some net bags coming off ebay for starters







Terry, first thing you do is sort through them and pull out any with thick necks and use them first as they will not keep even when dried. I used to use a sheet of polycarbonate over mine put the onions on a pallet or anything that will get them off the ground and let air circulate around them, then cover them so that the light can get at them. As said I used the poly sheets that they use for conservatories roof for mine, but plastic sheeting will do just to keep the rain off them as long as there is room for air to circulate around the onions.



Edited by Tiercel
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