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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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Well this year I have nothing outside ! I have a serious snail and slug problem.

After years of trying to get them with pellets, salt, beer and regular late night patrols with torch they simply keep coming back.

Next doors garden is like the wilderness and I have a vast wood area at the back of me so I have no chance.


I have 4 varieties of tomatoes, strawberries, King Edward's,Peppers, Chillies,Peas,Courgettes,Aubergines, mustard,basil, parsley, and onions

All planted in pots and containers.




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I was thinking of planting some purple sprouting broccoli but am right in thinking it would be ready to harvest late winter ? so thats quite long time to try and keep some thing pest free. Tried some cabbages once they looked great to start then seemed a bit nibbled and with in a couple of weeks just stalks left :)

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You can get early and late purple broccoli seeds terry. stagger your sowing times and you should get crops from winter through to april.pest wise protect from pigeons, cabbage white butterfly,slugs etc. a long time to wait for a crop but worth it in my opinion.

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Thanks darbo I remember we grew purple broccoli as a kids an it tasted great. Would love to try it again I will get some seeds in

 If you do grow them terry cut of the main spear/bud first and it will produce side shoots. This will happen over a period of up to 8 weeks. always cut the ripe shoots or they will flower.Also support the plant as they can grow 3ft and will be blown over in a bad wind. Edited by darbo
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Put the first lot of cabbage. And caui in yesterday,made a tunel from mdpe pipe shaped with the blow lamp to stop them pigeon and butterflies causing probs,


gauge to get the width of the top support


all in place


one side attached to the rings,


plants put in 20" squares


the finished product pest friendly



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Put the first lot of cabbage. And caui in yesterday,made a tunel from mdpe pipe shaped with the blow lamp to stop them pigeon and butterflies causing probs,


gauge to get the width of the top support


all in place


one side attached to the rings,


plants put in 20" squares


the finished product pest friendly



is that scaffold netting 223? i have managed to get some and it looks similar? nice plot by the way :thumbs:

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Put the first lot of cabbage. And caui in yesterday,made a tunel from mdpe pipe shaped with the blow lamp to stop them pigeon and butterflies causing probs,


gauge to get the width of the top support


all in place


one side attached to the rings,


plants put in 20" squares


the finished product pest friendly



is that scaffold netting 223? i have managed to get some and it looks similar? nice plot by the way :thumbs:

Thanks jack

Its very simlar to scafold net,really fine nylon,lets water in keeps pests out


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