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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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trouble is these days jok people just dont get the priorities right ! you HAVE to put the ground work in first to get results .well done :thumbs: put the salad leaves and lettuce in the cold frame today ,had another bit of a tidy up and sorted the begonia corms that are shooting ,cracking warm day good to be out in it

oh and sorted the strawberry bed out !

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Few pics of some bits.  

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

Picked what I could salvage of the green toms for some chutney better than wasting them tonight.     Not impressed with me cabbage     few bits for dinner. Bean are delicious at the mo

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Sowed some peas today and dipped in paraffin then buried the netting around them to try keep the mickys out




sowed parsnip, chard and row of carrots. Plot number one is pretty sorted now. Got the old mower out and gave the path a blast






Plot number two is bit more challenging with the heavy old clay. Turned half over but trying to pick out bindweed and dandelion root out a solid chunk of clay is fun but we will get there. The straw berry bed leaves a lot to be desired going to be a hands and knees weeding job to make sense of that

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hard at it on plot two this morning. Turn by hand and pick the weeds out. Give it a day or to then rotavate. Slow going but got to be done






more peas in Telephone Pea variety




old digger working well now and nice to use. Leaving a trench around the sides now keep the dam paths back. Waste of a foot or two either side but worth it




hard life



Edited by terryd
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Spuds are in onions in. Plenty of life coming through in the seed trays. Chickens are laying well.


speaking of chickens some fella gave me half a dozen the other day I think they were maran. Dark brown eggs and the creamiest yokes ever. Bloody lovely

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Spuds are in onions in. Plenty of life coming through in the seed trays. Chickens are laying well.


speaking of chickens some fella gave me half a dozen the other day I think they were maran. Dark brown eggs and the creamiest yokes ever. Bloody lovely


Nice one terry some people have marans on our plots lovely dark eggs. :thumbs: Edited to say young mr sheen is looking good. :thumbs:

Edited by darbo
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Well Terryd. Managed a few early pics of the allotment. Potatoes are just showing through the ridges. Peas are through. Celery looking like I don't know cause never done it before. The Nixon bed in the foreground all ready for the Kelsie but still not got the plants. Paths looking clean so all in all pretty chuffed. Jok.

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Funny you should say that. I do all the paths for that very reason. However, some of the newcomers are not so willing to let me use commercial weed killer, preferring to use olde world methods, like beer in bottles etc. Fck that. Roundup the lot. Yes it's tidy and that is the way I like it. Quite a few come round looking and asking questions so not all bad. In about 2/3 weeks I'll put the same pics on again and what a lovely sight it usually is.

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Oh hell. That was messy then. I'm obsessive when it comes to weeds. Going back to the newcomers, they don't understand about the root system and the need to clear the ground. They look at my garden and model theirs on the surface result. As you know, in about2 weeks the green things will be back with a vengeance and they can't understand why. I've tried explaining but at the end of the day you can't go on being a know it all so just let them get on with it.

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Yes when folks start a new they tend to want to blast it with the Rotavator which looks nice for a short while then they in trouble.

My first plot I took the turf off and stacked (which rotted a treat) just a yard or two at a time then dug over weeding it and planted so at least I had stuff growing as I went which encourages you.






bit daunting when I first started and I took it at the end of may one year





My second plot keeps fighting back but I blame it on an over grown one either side lol :whistling: but I will get the bugger no rush


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looking tidy jok :thumbs: that scaffold netting you use on the fruit cage and cloch ? i was looking at some of that the other day for the garden , terry d spot on about wanting things done fast "softly softly catchee monkey" but aint life generally like that now? cant wait for owt

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Had a nice warm couple of week started cutting the grass then did the borders and thought sod it start putting the potatoes in the tubs got three done and called a halt for the night then we had some hard frosts and yesterday at 4 pm we had a inch of hailstone im glad I left the rest of the tubs now till Middle of May and at least there should be a good time span between the first earlys if the first lot come threw

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