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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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I feed all on tubs on a Sunday i am thinking one more feed then come September only water them if its dry stop the feeding ?. And also thinking cutting back a few of the leaves on the courgettes , pumpkin's and squashes try to help the fruits ripen the tomatoes in the greenhouse are nearly bare as i stripe the lower leaves to help ripen the fruit but the slugs got to the melon plants in the green house even with slug pellets down so there a washout 

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Few pics of some bits.  

been down today but not sure if the pics will work

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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My corn on the cob has the pollen and kernels now every time i pass it i try to hand pollinate the kernels , Is it worth doing or a waste of time last year i only got tiny cobs 

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17 minutes ago, The one said:

My corn on the cob has the pollen and kernels now every time i pass it i try to hand pollinate the kernels , Is it worth doing or a waste of time last year i only got tiny cobs 

My mate grows them in squares and just gives them a shake once they're ready as stated

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Aye mine are in tubs i give them a shake but i didn't have any real big well pollinated cobs last year so i would like to give them every chance 

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2 minutes ago, The one said:

Aye mine are in tubs i give them a shake but i didn't have any real big well pollinated cobs last year so i would like to give them every chance 

As Borr says to get the best cobs grow it blocks metre by a metre or more if possible. When the pollen is ready give them a tap with a cane as you go by each time they rely on the pollen falling on the hairs of the cobs. 

Cheers Arry

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